Sponsoring Overseas

Enrique raises a great question about sponsoring in foreign countries.  He wants to know, “If you already have someone in that country that you already sponsor or do you look for someone not in your circle when traveling to that country?  Another way – Let’s say you want to build a leg in Sweden, would you go to Sweden or would sponsor someone that knows Swedes?” Continue reading “Sponsoring Overseas”

Working Long Distance

So I’m on another 12-hour plane ride, heading to Munich, where I’ll connect to another short segment to Prague.  That puts me at about 40 hours of flying this trip, which is a little more than half of the tour I’m on.  So that got me thinking about travel and working with long-distance lines. Continue reading “Working Long Distance”

Being the Best Leader

We talk a lot about leadership here.  Because that’s the most important element in growing a strong team.  You can’t manage people.  You lead people and manage things.  So how can you be a better leader? Continue reading “Being the Best Leader”

Boundaries versus Limits

We all hate to hold ourselves back.  That’s good.  Limits are bad.  But boundaries are good.  Do you know the difference? Continue reading “Boundaries versus Limits”

What is Your System?

You hear me talk about having a duplicable system all the time.  It’s such a vital element for your success that’s it’s worth exploring deeper.  So let me share what I told the attendees who joined me in Las Vegas for the Mega-MLM event… Continue reading “What is Your System?”

Mega-MLM Goes Live!

I’m excited to be about to start day one of Mega-MLM.  We have people from all over the world here and it’s going to be an amazing event.  I’ll keep you posted on how things go over the weekend. Continue reading “Mega-MLM Goes Live!”

How You Make Money

Okay last post we discussed your progress toward your 2011 goals.  Now let’s get down to business… Continue reading “How You Make Money”

Checking Your Progress

Okay kids February is pretty much over!  That’s two months gone out of 12.  So where are you at on your goals and dreams for 2011? Continue reading “Checking Your Progress”

Leading Your Team

We’ve talked a lot recently about leadership.  I mentioned how often we bandy around the term leader to describe people that are most definitely not leaders.  So how do you qualify? Continue reading “Leading Your Team”

What is Real Leadership?

I was listening to a CD from a friend of mine who is a top leader in another company.   The topic was one of my favorites:  leadership.  And while my friend is an amazing leader, I hated the program. Continue reading “What is Real Leadership?”

Leading an All-Volunteer Army

As most of you know, I went through a period of about seven years when I was training and consulting, but not actively building a business.  When I got back in the field five years ago, I built faster than I ever had before.  Dramatically faster… Continue reading “Leading an All-Volunteer Army”

When People Leave

So I was counseling with one of my Diamonds.  The wife asked about the news that a couple Diamonds had left the company, and several others were being terminated for cross recruiting.  She leaned forward and said, “I know you never send negativity downline, but it’s okay if you tell us how worried you are.”  I had to laugh… Continue reading “When People Leave”

Getting Them Committed

Interesting thing happened to my new guy the other day.  One of his prospects that had been to a presentation a couple days before called and asked him to come over to the house that night and tell her friends about the biz.    Continue reading “Getting Them Committed”

When You Are Ready to be the One

We’ve talked in the past about the process of driving depth.  You want to be helping your people go level after level of depth, by facilitating home meetings for them.  But there’s another part of the equation… Continue reading “When You Are Ready to be the One”

Are You on Target?

As your surrogate sponsor, sometimes my job is to be tough on you.  And today is one of those days.  So here’s your questions: Continue reading “Are You on Target?”