Your Pin Level

Here’s a fascinating thing most people don’t know about Network Marketing:  The level of rank you will earn is pre-determined in advance, based on the quality of your list. 

Some people will only reach bronze or silver types of levels, because the influence and credibility of their list is at those levels.  Others reach Diamond and other top ranks, again because the influence and credibility of their list is at those levels.

Here’s the other fascinating things that most people don’t know…

You can upgrade your pin rank – by upgrading your list.

Ain’t it great!


22 thoughts on “Your Pin Level

  1. And once you’ve upgraded your list, make sure you contact the people on it….You will never help them, your organization, your company, or the industry buy just putting them on the list.

  2. I once was in a workshop where the leader challenged us to write as many names down as fast as we could as he held up a juicy prize. The audience went into a hushed frenzy. I was sitting next to the top earner in my company. He wrote down five names and put his pen down. Then he leaned over and said, “I don’t think I will win the prize.” I gestured “why?” and he passed his list over to me… Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Shaquille O’Neal, Warren Buffett, Richard Branson. The top prize went to a lady who jumped up and shouted “37 names” (this was in 2 minutes time). Oohs and aahs from the audience, clapping, juicy prize to Lady with 37. But I had my prize. There was a reason my friend was the top earner and it catapulted the next year of my success to 6-figures.

      1. Forgive me if I was oblique, Alice. The reason he was top earner was because he developed the presence and standard to “prospect up” and because of that, most of the other top ten and fifty in the company were in his downline.

        In the next year following that lesson I launched a campaign to rebuild my business and my awareness of whom to contact was completely different than it was before the lesson. It took courage but it was one of those cellular lessons.

        I realized later he made that list that way specifically to teach me… it wasnt that he was actively prospecting Bill Gates, it was that he required of himself to build with high caliber from the get-go. All I had to do was look at his team.

        I have been with this mentor at restaurants where he routinely collects information from a savvy waiter, and I have also seen him dine with prospects who are top earners in our profession. Thing is, he knows the difference between the two.

        Hope that helps.

        And I think Jackie U. below has a great point, too. If you’re tempted to think you’re not worthy of recruiting up, start taking more initiative exactly where you are. Best medicine.

  3. Upgrading your list is EASY, get around other people who are movers and shakers – busy people make things happen.

    Networking events
    Chambers of Commerce
    Shows and Expos
    Your Hobbies

    These are all great ways to meet new people. The key is to get to know them and build the relationship FIRST. Don’t just go and pounce on people about your opportunity. Take some time and develop a friendship.

    Ask questions that new friends would ask – what do you do; do you like it; do you have kids; etc.

    Wait for opportunity and then see if there might be a need your business can feel.

    EXPECT Success!

    Jackie Ulmer

    1. Volker don’t sell yourself so short.

      Last line of Randy’s post says to simply upgrade your list.

      I’ve found it’s a progressive thing. The better my results are right where I am at, the better my posture to recruit up.

      Most people think they would want a Bill Gates in their business, but they have not become the person who would know what to do with an opportunity like that (this is all assuming that Bill is a good partner candidate!).

      To upgrade list, upgrade you.

  4. Wowwww!!! I learned something new aan important!! Upgrade my list so that I can upgrade myself. And hang out in places where people are moving and shaking and looking for opportunities. Thanks!!

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