The Real Who is You

Thank you all for making my latest book, “Making the First Circle Work” an instant bestseller.  It’s out two weeks and already they’re going into the 2nd printing.  So why is that?

I think the core message has resonated with so many people in our profession.  They’ve read the book, then immediately ordered 300, 500, or 1,000 for their whole network.  And what is that core message?

How YOU make the business work.

Yeah it’s a lot more convenient if we can blame our lack of success on our sponsor, product prices, or the economy.  But doing that is only giving your power away.  What the book is about is how to work on the things you control, in order to create true and powerful duplication.

Everyone’s looking for who they can get in their business next.  But the real “who” is you!

If you haven’t got the book yet, I suggest you order it now.  As of Friday there were only 70 copies left of the first printing and the second is still a few weeks away. You can get it here:

And by the way, if you’ve already read and implemented some of the things in the book, please share your results below.

Thanks, RG

17 thoughts on “The Real Who is You

  1. Randy you’re right on point as usual.

    It really does begin with the willingness to grow the person that looks back at us in the mirror.

    You & I have had the discussion in times past around that peoples businesses will only grow as fast as they do.

    – Warren Little

  2. I bought it immediately, read it immediately and I dream with the day it will be available in Portuguese. In the mean time, I am working on my first circle.

    I strongly recommend it.

    Congratulations Randy!


      1. Hi Randy,

        Can we have all your training stuff in Hindi as well for India ??
        NM is evolving in India and I can tell you people are looking for good content.
        It will be an instant hit and help millions of people here !


  3. Randy, I’m definitely living proof that I’m the one driving my own success. This is so true for everyone in our industry, that they really can succeed if they realize what they can achieve if they just try. (Randy, if you can drop me a line to my email included, I’m putting together an series of interviews of successful networkers and would love for you to participate, I’ll fill you in on details through email. Thanks) Joel

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