The Formula…

19 thoughts on “The Formula…

  1. Everything can be factored to its lowest common denomonator. Sometimes it just has to be spelled out very simply and directly. Thanks Randy. Brian Tracy was asked to summarize what he felt determines success. He said,”Do what you resolve to do.” …Fulfill your commitments to yourself and your life will be wonderful. Wow Kiss and just do it.

  2. Simple, succinct.

    I’ll would add work smart. I’ve seen people work hard when their efforts were not nearly maximizing their potential results. It’s the difference between being busy, productive and effective.

  3. Simple, sound advice. Like watching a pro athlete do his/her thing. They make it look easy but we all know it isn’t. It takes practice, long hours and hard work. Same is true with hitting it in Network Marketing.

  4. Dear Randy

    I am more than 100% agreed by your this view because:

    These words has bees said by The Great 3rd Muslim Caliph Hazrat Usman (May Allah Bless Him) 1400 years ago…..

    He Says:

    If You Want To Achieve Something In Your Life

    1st Aim for that one

    2nd Do your maximum efforts for that

    3rd Inshallah you will get that.

  5. Good Stuff R.G….Simplicity in Brevity
    Here are Andrew Carnegies three keys to success:
    1. Have a Dream, the Bigger the Better
    2. Build a Team, the Better the Better and…
    3. Focus, Focus, Focus!!
    * * *
    If you’re Dreaming, you’ll be Talking.
    If you’re Talking & Listening, you’ll be Sponsoring.
    If you’re Sponsoring, you’ll be Growing.
    If you’re Growing, you’ll be Dreaming Bigger Dreams!

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