Six Steps to an Amazing Year

Let’s continue the discussion from the last post on how you can crush in 2011. Before a counseling call I did with one of my leaders, I was doing some thinking on the difference between the people I have crushing it right now, and the people getting crushed…

I was looking for the difference.  The thing that was producing different results from the same situation.  The insights I came to were pretty interesting.  Because I first eliminated a lot of the usual suspects you would think…

The people I have going gangbusters right now don’t have more talent or skills.  They certainly don’t have more education.  And it isn’t experience either.

I have some people with amazing talent that are scuffling right now.  And people with a lot of education and experience that are having a difficult time.  And I have some new, inexperienced people that are flat out ballin’ right now.  Here’s what I see working for them:

1)    They have a BIG, specific dream.
2)    They have some specific goals they are reaching for along the way.
3)    We’ve created time lines for the achievement of those goals.
4)    They send in a counseling form each month so we can keep them on track.

The people I see struggling seem to be more running FROM something, instead of TO something.  They’re beating themselves up for what they perceive as not having accomplished enough in the last year.

Now there is definitely something to be said for negative motivation.  I get that and sometimes use it myself.  But paying down debts, getting out of a dead-end job, or even avoiding bankruptcy may not be enough to get you energized, because those are still fear-based goals.

You also have to have a clear vision of what you are working towards…

And it has to be bold, daring, and strong enough to pull you to it.  You need to have a vision powerful, sexy and compelling enough to make you want to rip the covers off and jump out of bed in the morning.  Something that will keep pulling you forward when people drop out, you miss a rank advancement, or you’re driving home from a presentation at 1 am, knowing you have to get up and go to work at 7 am.

So here was my advice to my leader, and also to you:

1)    Do a burning bowl ceremony, forgive yourself, and move on from the past.  (Hopefully you did this yesterday.  If not, do it today.)
2)    Reread “The Magic of Thinking Big”
3)    Get a crystal clear vision for where you want to go in the New Year.  (And it needs to be HOT!)
4)    Set some stepping-stone goals along the way.
5)    Have a Prosperity Map in your bedroom with these things on it.
6)    Do regular counseling to stay on track.

I think we sometimes get jaded and think we’ve already done the dream building, are positive people and have handled the self-development.  Nope.

We all need to be recharged, revitalized and reenergized daily.  Dream bigger.  Take daily actions.  Forget the past and move forward.  We should probably all read The Magic of Thinking Big every year.

So that’s my six-step suggestion for how you have an amazing year.  You up for it?


P.S.  Remember Early Bird registration for Mega-MLM is ending. Details here:

22 thoughts on “Six Steps to an Amazing Year

  1. Until a person commits (all in) and does the action steps it will be hard to have any success. You must give your all and the results will follow when you totally commit yourself. Also find mentors to help you on your journey!

  2. It comes back to the basics everytime. Dreams & Goals.

    Focusing on having to fix your present situation rarely ever works.

    Focusing on the past certainly never works.

    I heard a great statement once at an Amway Dream Big weekend (where I first was introduced to Magic of Thinking Big) the speaker said, “Not even God can change your past but he can do a whole lot with your future if you’ll let him”.

    Three things I would add are:

    1. Nothing happens without enthusiasm. Albeit a derivative of the basics.

    2. Understand that the business grows when you find someone with a need & help them fill it.

    3. How do you define success? Sometimes you have to work on you before you can crush it. If you’ve succeeded in some aspect of personal growth or helped someone else move forward in their journey, maybe you were successful, but if that’s not on your list you dont consider it.

    Thanks Randy!

    Consistently putting out blog posts even on a holiday. Appreciate you man!

  3. Wow, Randy!
    Three majors that caught my attention: 1. fear-based goals, 2.the counseling form (what’s that look like?) and 3. the difference between the highly educated and the average.
    Thanks for clarifying about fear-based goals. How can I get through fear if I’m letting it dictate what I decide to do?! I do not require or even desire the scared-kid to rule. The adult is in charge! How about a Bliss List?

  4. The people I see struggling seem to be more running FROM something.

    1.Fear based goals.
    5.Fear of success and failure.

    thanks Randy.

  5. RIGHT ON! Keeping It Simple, being passionate will
    rub off to others, commit and be consistent. Give
    unconditionally and don’t expect anything in return.
    Followers will continue to be followers and leaders
    will continue to move forward in a bigger way in 2011
    and beyond.

  6. Hi Randy,

    It all starts with my vision. As my vision become more clear and definite everything contrary to the vision seems to dissolve, almost like magic.

    I drop everything and paint my picture in detail multiple times each day. We are imagining whether our eyes are open or closed. I see myself living my dream life over and over. The practice keeps me vibrating at a higher frequency which motivates me to ignore obstacles that would have impeded my progress in the past.

    I also aim to make a positive impact wherever I’m at: online, offline, blog commenting, forums, social networks, wherever. Become memorable by being mindful, thoughtful, kind and inspiring. People will take notice.

    Thanks for sharing the inspiration 🙂


  7. Hi Randy and thank you for posting even on a holiday!

    I think I’m one of those that have been using fear based goals especially because I want to get out of 2 dead-end, grueling jobs that I’m so very tired of.

    I’ll work on (among the many other things I need to work on) putting my desires into a more strong, positive goal.

    Thank you again!

  8. I burned all bad, and Napoleon Hill and you Randy are with me still, I read your books every day and it still is not enough.

    Healthy,Happy and Succesful this year you and the all here too.


  9. I have watched all your help advice and read yours and read what you and other have said made my list toburn with the future to follow and many notes
    although been in my business to date not got far but all the posiveness iam receiving I know the plans I have written for next few months will start the beginning of my best year yet.

  10. Hey Randy,

    Setting Goal is the best way to get passion and motivation,
    and when we are think about what goal, we can think in big sizes.

  11. I already read “The Magic of Thinking Big”
    I´m agree with you… we all should read at least once a year!

  12. Randy,

    Great advice! Rereading certain… POWERFUL MINDSET books is a wonderful idea and “The Magic of Thinking Big” is definitely one to reread every year.

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge. You inspire me. And now… time for some ACTION.

    John Garcia

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