Securing a Line, Part 2

Last post we talked about teaching your people how to get through the process of learning the basic skill sets.  

From there your role changes.  Your job now is to help them learn presenting and training.  They need to be able to speak at events and train their own people in the four basic skill sets.   This makes you yet more unnecessary to the recruiting process and means you’ll start seeing new enrollments on the lower levels.  Enrollments that you won’t actually be responsible for or perhaps even know the new people.  This is when you start to see long distance lines beginning in other markets.

You have some duplication happening and it looks like you’re home free.  But you’re most definitely not.  Because your role must change again; this time to your most important one.  Which is what we’ll explore next…

But before then, please check in on where you’re at with this role.  Then next post we’ll get into the final role you’ll need to evolve to.  Remember, if you haven’t subscribed to the blog, you can do that where you see the blue box on the right.  Then you’ll always get a notice when the next post is up.


11 thoughts on “Securing a Line, Part 2

  1. Hello, Randy. My name is Diego Ayala from Ecuador South America. Since one year ago, I began in NetworkMarketing in a company as FFI. It is fantastac for my. I have read your notes and I have a questión. How can i design a teaching and training system in order to folow your advice. Role One, teaching and training Part I basic: meeting, list, inviting and folow up . Role Two: Teaching and training Part II intermediate: Presenting and training Are you agre with me? Regards. Apreciate a lot your blog. Good luck. Diego Ayala

  2. From there your role changes. Your job now is to help them learn presenting and training. They need to be able to speak at events and train their own people in the four basic skill sets.
    I guess, You will continue working on depth until you find someone who is consistent and asking you question on how to built his/her business.
    For example, If you sponsor someone, and he didn’t do anything after sponsoring 4 people, would you work with those four people he sponsored?

  3. Good stuff Randy, that’s a good question though. What should we do if we sponsor someone and that person sponsors two people but they don’t do the actions we instruct them on? Or if they decide to no longer do the business. Do we take on the two enrollees even though they’ve been locked under the person who dropped out?

    1. You can’t just leave them there? Of course, this is where a lot of really great potential Leaders in companies get hung out to dry. You see that happen ALOT in binary compensation plans. Someone sponsors a couple of people in their second leg, then decide the business isn’t for them, leaving the 2 newbies on their own. Though it is someone’s secondary leg, they are still in my down line, I would have to jump in and support them. Though they wouldn’t benefit from any of my personal sponsorships, as those would be placed in the main leg by default, making sure they are properly trained and start the duplicating process with them in that leg would still be the right thing to do! Randy, your suggestions?

  4. Hey Randy Gage,

    You teach us how to be a good leader to our team, and how to qualify them to be good are giving us good stuff, with great value.
    What i have to sayi is seems to be that the of most the exellent leaders has competents and qualified team, which share the same goa, and work with
    cooperatión, colaboratión .

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