One in 500

So last post we discussed the difference between simple and easy.  It’s important to understand that Network Marketing is perfect for everyone.  But not everyone is perfect for Network Marketing…

The average person is watching between five to six hours of television PER DAY now.  Well no one with that kind of addiction is ever going to build a successful group.

Many people are simply incapable of being their own boss.  They want what they perceive as security by having a scheduled paycheck every week.  They don’t realize just how insecure that really is.

Others are lazy and have a lottery mentality.  They’re waiting to hit the lotto or a rich relative to die.

The truth is, it’s only about one person in 500 that will actually get in our business and build it to a high level.  And that’s okay.

I figure it takes about 500 housekeepers, car mechanics, waiters, massage therapists, and other support people to allow me to live the lifestyle I have.  So it’s a good thing everyone doesn’t do the business!


20 thoughts on “One in 500

  1. You’re right Randy,

    We need those people to do those things we either choose not to do or don’t want to do.

    I tell people all the time , the people who take care of my landscaping on my private residence & rental properties ( bought with the cash flow from my network marketing residual income ) work a lot harder than I do .

    Yet because of the business, I’m blessed to make as much in a month as ton’s of people do in a year . . . whether I choose to work or not !!!

    It is about lifestyle.

    – Warren Little

  2. So true Randy!

    TV is a tremendous distraction in our society today. It is really sad. You’re right about people just wanting to be in a secure or comfort zone. Get up, go to work, come home, watch TV, repeat…repeat…

    I remember talking with a mom, who was home schooling her son, and her telling me that she only allows him 1 hour a day of TV. “I want him to live his life, not watch others live theirs.” Smart woman.

    The only job security there is, is when you’re looking at the boss in the mirror…

    This profession allows so much more freedom of choice, and that’s what I love about it. We choose when we want to work, where we want to work, and with whom we want to work.

    Best regards,


  3. The truth is, it’s only about one person in 500 that will actually get in our business and build it to a high level. And that’s okay

    Thanks Randy. I have always asked leaders in my company what the statitics were and they will always tell me that depended on my own average. I would pushed them and they would never tell me.
    Since my payout is a binary, I would need to through 4,000 people in order to find 4 excellent leader. And then I set for my life. How long would it take me to through 4,000 presentations? 2 years working 7 days a week.
    Are those 500 are 500 approaches or 500 presentations?

  4. Those stats would be true in a lot of Network Businesses. Compensation plans that need balancing such as Binary plans do have that affect on those individuals who are not the one in 500. There is a Network Company that addresses this and appears to be changing those stats.

    I never forgot what Mike Zundel said once at a conference we attended.

    He said that if you went out and tried to get 500 no’s you would build a great Network Business. We have proven that to be so true. People are afraid to get no’s. If they can overcome this obstacle they will build a great network business.

  5. As I always say: Their is no BV in TV.

    I do not have one even hooked up. If I really need to follow the weather or want to watch something I usually can find it on the computer MINUS the big ad breaks.


  6. Thank you Randy for sharing your wisdom is such a direct no nonsense way. What you share in your blog is so helpful! I am new at network marketing and have been finding your information very insightful and motivating.
    I am curious about your last statement, where you named specific careers.
    It would be appreciated to know if you feel that housekeepers, car mechanics, waiters, and massage therapists are known to be better networkers than other careers.

    Thank you again!
    Curious Calli

  7. Hi Randy,

    Thank you for remind me that not everyone looking for better life. Then no’s is the natural way of most people life.

    All The Best

  8. Ok Randy … I agree that not every one is a team builder, but are you saying you have to slave away to build a team?

    What about using effective tools and using time effectively!

    1. I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying that out on “the herd” there are only 1 in 500 that will build a serious business. And that’s OK. We choose the people we prospect and can have much better percentages as a result.


  9. Hey Randy’
    For to take a business and build it to a high level, we need a mentality of eentrepreneur, and to get self development, a stong “why”, and passion.

  10. Randy, your comments are very interesting. I am having a hard time recruiting people who want to work. Guess I am just not talking to enough people.

    I am committed to keep trying.

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