Meeting More New People

If you’re a subscriber to my Randy’s Rants newsletter, you can skip today’s post.  And if you’re not, what are you, a Godless Communist or something!  Get over to right pronto and sign up!  (It’s okay, I’ll wait.  Welcome back.)

The last issue was about Empire Avenue and I mention it again here to explore the role it can play in you meeting new people and growing your business.

If you’re not familiar with the site, it’s kind of Monopoly meets social media, RISK meets the Stock Exchange.  But it isn’t just a game.  It’s actually a fascinating way to track social media metrics, and see how the serious players do it.  Even more importantly, I believe it provides some fascinating lessons on investing and prosperity.  (I went from zero to millionaire in six days, so there are some fascinating insights into investing and growing wealth.)  I recommend you have your kids set up an account, to help them learn about saving, investing, and creating wealth.

You “invest” in people and their stock rises or falls, based upon their social media presence.  So by grabbing shares in people that really get Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc., you build your portfolio.  You will even be able to trace your virtual shares to buy some stuff in the real world.

Last week I started hearing about it from some savvy social media superstars and early adopters.  I think it has the possibility to be the next really BIG thing in the space.

As I said in the Rants, I don’t play online games.  I’m not joining your Mafia family, don’t buy farm animals, and I’m not going to water your damn plants.  And frankly, it’s a little creepy to have all those bald, middle-aged men poking me!  But I see Empire as something much bigger than those things.  Besides the benefits I mentioned, there are some other important ones for network marketers…

It’s a great way to drive traffic to your social media profiles, websites or blog.  Best of all, it a wonderful way to meet lots of cool, new people, and expand your warm market.

But as always in this context: I beseech you not to become an Multi-Level Moron!  Meaning don’t post pitches on your or other people’s profiles, and don’t Spam them.

Do this site as you should be doing all your social media ones.  Get involved, find people with common interests, and develop relationships.  Then when you’ve ascertained you can help someone with your opportunity, take it offline.

Check it out and see what you think.  You can join at:

Set up an account, and reserve a good trading name.  If you move fast, you can probably still get your name or initials.   You can figure out the rest later or decide if you don’t want to do anything with it.  Buy some shares of my stock too (you’ll have some automatic credit when you join), because it’s been going up 20% a day since joined!   (Search by my name or stock symbol is (e)RGAGE)

Then go meet some more people!


7 thoughts on “Meeting More New People

  1. It’s super fun too! 😉 Get on it & buy up the rocksta’s shares before i goes any higher. He’s skyrocketin’ yo!!! 🙂

  2. I set up a new twitter profile a while ago. I have not been able to figure out how to update my Empire Ave account with my new twitter info. I also plead guilty to not paying much attention to Empire Ave. Perhaps if it could help me meet new people, I might. I really need to meet some new people. Both for business and other interests, however, any man who starts with “I have seen your picture and you look so lovely . . .” will simply get deleted FAST!

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