Lead Yourself

When I first began in Network Marketing, I made the classic mistake of many beginners:  thinking that you can sponsor a few people and then manage them into making you rich. 

Sorry, that dog don’t hunt.

As I pointed out in my book, Making the First Circle Work, true leadership begins with personal responsibility.  Our business is one of modeling behavior.  It doesn’t really matter what you tell your people; what they’re really taking note of is what you do.

You’re never really off display.  They notice if you bring guests, sponsor new people, attend events, and follow the system.  They study how you respect and edify the sponsorship line (or don’t).   They watch how you handle problems, interact with the company, and speak about others when they’re not around.

You have to prove you are capable to lead yourself first, before you can expect anyone else to decide to follow you.  And the paradoxical thing is that when you control your own actions, it actually influences the actions of your whole team.  You cause certain behavior to happen and a culture to be formed, but you do it by modeling the behavior yourself and being the example people decide to duplicate.

When you’re ready to lead, start with the person in the mirror.

So how you doing on that?



24 thoughts on “Lead Yourself

  1. thank you Randy, as a so called “leader” this one REALLY hit home! I will begin again, and start with the guy in the mirror

  2. Thank you, Randy. I do believe that you can’t teach what you don’t know, and you can’t ‘t lead where you don’t go. That’s why I respect you.

        1. I mean don’t pay attention to just how many sign up. You need to have at least four lines asking for help – being on 3-way calls, traveling long distance to support them, conducting meetings for them. When they are chasing you, they’re building.

          1. We are cashing you … all the ways that our imagination is capable of producing 🙂

  3. Oh how true it is. If you want to lead, you will be taking lots of action and, you are on display. leadership is a full time profession. Great post for the hot summer days when people think we all go to sleep for a couple of months. Now is when we need to lead most. If I am not leading forward with activity than I am going backwards. Thanks for reminding me.

  4. Thanks for the counseling & love all weekend. I’m blessed to have you in my life – going to implement your advise & model it for my team, that’s what I’m gonna do. xoxo

  5. Love It Randy!

    I never fully grasped this concept until a good 2.5 / 3 YEARS in my business.

    Coming from a management background I had to unlearn those skills and internalize one of my favorite quotes:

    “If it is to be, it’s up to me!”

    Once we take ownership & responsibility of our business and lead by example… our team will follow suit.


  6. Hey Randy,
    Many beginners make this mistakes sponsors few people and then manage them for to making them rich.It is the mindset of the egoistic one,who think only for good to himself only. Someone who try to grab too much for himself only at the same time,can grab nothing atall,
    like the saying:
    “Do not have too many irons in the fire”
    If we attempt to do too much at once, we shall not do anything properly

  7. A million thanks Randy for your valuable advice. I will download and meditate to remind myself your precious points so as not to sidetrack or derail my growth.

  8. Randy,
    Thanks for the post. One question…

    In Duplication Nation you talk about drink out of a coconut money. Do you really ever have that? If so, how much duplication do you need to have in place to make it so.

    I had that money for about 7 years in the biz & then had a couple of leaders leave & lost a good chunk of it. I know now that I should have continued building, so no excuses or blame game here, just looking for your thoughts.

    1. No one ever has total passive income, because there are newer lines that need more attention than mature ones. But it is possible to build a large percentage of your network into secures lines which produce the coconut money. But if top leaders quit and go somewhere else, then you’re going to lose a chunk; no way around that.


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