It Is All About the Residual

It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating. 

Sage advice from Oscar Wilde.  And nowhere in the world can you set up a better conduit for residual income than Network Marketing.  But to do that, you can’t be a superhero.  True residual comes from following a system, and training your people to do the same.

Sometimes that means curbing your ego.  Sometimes it means passing up on things that could work well for you, but not be duplicated by others.

If you have true duplication and residual income, it means your people also have duplication and have the same opportunity as you.  And that’s what makes our business better than any other in the world!


3 thoughts on “It Is All About the Residual

  1. Hey Randy,

    This business is better than any other in the world, because the success and prosperity of the colleague,upline and downline,is also my success prosperity.
    There isn’t almost any competition between one to another in the team,and there is much duplication and cooperation .

  2. i would like to know about any other websites that randy gage has or doing and any otherinfrmation that i can have on these other websites

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