Developing Effective Leaders

We talk a lot about using 3rd party tools, both when presenting to prospects and when working with your team.  The reason for this is to produce better duplication.

Let’s start with your team members.  You can solve their problems for them, or teach them how to solve them themselves.  You can feed your hero complex or you can have competent people, but you can’t have both.

You don’t really help people when you do everything for them; you actually hurt them.  My rule of thumb is to never do something for a team member they are capable of doing for themselves.

So choose carefully how you respond when your team comes to you for help.  Of course you want to help them, support them and guide them.  But the best way to do that is teaching them how to fish.

So how you doing on this?  Please share your thoughts  below.  And next post we’ll look at how this applies when dealing with your prospects.


9 thoughts on “Developing Effective Leaders

  1. Great Randy. We should always support the truth, and never help!
    When you help someone, we took the opportunity to learn from him.
    When we support someone, we are preparing for something that will come in
    future, and thus doubling.

  2. Excelent! Yes sometimes I am acting with my hero complex. To reach the skills to be a leader, is what I need to develop. Teaching how to fish and not given the fish. Tahnks Randy!

  3. Hey Randy,

    The best way to qualify the team is to teach them how to catch
    their fishes by themself.

  4. I’ve personally created a generic branding system to edify my team members. The system can be used by everyone in our team, it gives them a certain level of influence within their respective communities & it’s a new prospecting strategy. I conduct weekly support & training webcasts for the entire team but of course i always encourage leadership development. Am i doing too much for my team in this regard?

  5. I’m always in support mode, but I don’t treat my team members like they are employees. If they want or need something, they will reach out to me and I will then decide whether or not the request will help them or hinder them. But spending too much time with your team members, especially if they haven’t shown you after a period of time that they can fish or want to fish – should not get alot of your time.

  6. I like John Lowry’s reply. I still look for something I could do or should to to support people. However, if they don’t want to become leaders, or even learn how to fish I cannot do it to them. I have to let them go until they are ready on their terms to play. It still doesn’t ‘feel’ complete however. The dance requires both parties to participate and both have to be listening to the same song.

    Thank you Randy. This is a great conversation to be in.

  7. I am speaking from my personal growth & experience on both sides: new person & “mentor”.
    This may be real simple, but I’ve been duplicating what my mentor taught me. In mentoring individuals, there comes a time when they have been exposed to the “answers” and know it….they just don’t “know that they know it”. So what I do is simply ask them, “what do you think you should do/say/point them to/etc?” And they belt the answer out….sometimes it’s w/full confidence sometimes it’s w/doubt. I affirm them & encourage them….but they come up with the answer(s).

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