Kill Distractions!
If you want to be a leader in our profession and build a large team, you have to kill distractions. Relentlessly. Continue reading “Kill Distractions!”
Training for Success
If I wake you up at 3 am, shine a flashlight in your face and ask you to do a 30-minute training on inviting skills – could you do it? Continue reading “Training for Success”
Inspiring Your Team
Okay you earned a free bonus car. Your mother is proud of you. But we don’t really care.
New Rule Number Five
Let’s continue our series on the latest challenges we are facing in network marketing, and my self-proclaimed “new rules” for how we have to do the business. (If you missed the first four, make sure to go back and read them here.) Continue reading “New Rule Number Five”
New Rule Number Four
Let’s pick up where we left off, on the new rules for how we need to conduct and promote our business. (If you didn’t read New Rules One and Two and New Rule Three yet – I suggest you go back and read those first.) Continue reading “New Rule Number Four”
NEW RULE Number Three
Let’s pick up where we left off last post, on the new rules for how we need to conduct and promote our business. (If you didn’t read that yet – I suggest you go back and read that first.) As most of you know, the company I worked with for the last ten years was sold. And I wasn’t comfortable with the direction the new owners were taking it, so I walked away. Continue reading “NEW RULE Number Three”
New Rules 1 and 2
If you’ll remember, some time back I wrote a manifesto for network marketers. It started a revolution. The manifesto was downloaded and shared millions of times and translated into numerous languages. (Even including a “G rated” version.)
With everything that has transpired in the profession since then, I believe it’s time for a new one… Continue reading “New Rules 1 and 2”
Follow the Leader?
Every so often in your career, you’re going to get “the call.” It’s from someone above you in the sponsorship line, or perhaps a high-ranking leader who is cross line. And they have some pretty earth-shattering news… Continue reading “Follow the Leader?”
Advice for Leaders
People ask me for advice all the time on how to be a better leader. I don’t have any advice. Stop aspiring to be a leader, stop training to become a leader, stop asking questions about becoming a leader, and start leading. If you’re leading someone, you’re a leader. Continue reading “Advice for Leaders”
30 Days to Amazing
Last post I promised you that I was going to start a 30-day series for all the subscriber of my MLM Leadership Report. That has started, but there is a glitch, in that some people didn’t receive the first 2 or 3 messages. So I am printing them here. Continue reading “30 Days to Amazing”
Make this Month Your Best Ever!
Next week starts something very special! I’m going to be sending out an MLM Leadership Report every single day for 30 days straight. These messages will be packed with training, advice and guidance on how to build your business bigger, better and faster. Some days it will be a video, others a brief training, and some days just something to keep you motivated. Continue reading “Make this Month Your Best Ever!”
Opening Your Home Meeting
Let’s suppose you’re one of the people who use home presentations to grow your business. Great idea, because they work wonderful. Contrary to rumors started by trainers who don’t actually work the business, home meetings seem to be working even better in this new digital age. Maybe people are so used to only socializing on sites like Facebook, they seem to jump at the chance to visit someone they know in their home. Let’s look at a simple way to make them even more effective. Continue reading “Opening Your Home Meeting”
Junkie See, Junkie Do
(Para Español, continúa leyendo abajo)
Alas, the ongoing chronicles of the “MLM Junkies” continues repeating the pattern, year after year, company after company. Continue reading “Junkie See, Junkie Do”
Impress Me with Your Duplication
We like to say that success in MLM is about your list. That’s true, but probably not in the way you think. Because the objective here is not to have a big LIST, but to have a big TEAM. Continue reading “Impress Me with Your Duplication”
Sell Your Certainty
It’s 4:30 am in Prague. I should be sound asleep, resting to present to 1,500 people tomorrow. Instead I’m on California time, so after laying awake for two hours, I got up to write you. On a very important subject: How you breakthrough and reach new ranks. Continue reading “Sell Your Certainty”