
The power of belief is one of the greatest forces on earth.  And it is belief that keeps people in our business.  What we must do is keep them in until they develop that belief.  And that includes you…

So know this…

It’s no accident that you got into the business.  The fact you did says a lot about you.  It means you have a dream.  It means that you’re one of the people willing to get away from the TV long enough to pursue that dream.  And that means that you deserve belief.

You deserve to believe in yourself.  And you deserve that someone else believes in you.  I am that someone…

Because you got in the business in the first place.  Because you’re still in.  Because you visit this site and work on getting better.

I believe in you.  Just wanted you to know…


42 thoughts on “Belief

  1. Good afternoon Mr Gage,

    Great post. We always feel the difference when you post a post with your entire being. Thank you.

    Nb: Small type mistake at the end; you typed IT insted on IN.

    Best regards Mr Gage. Looking forward to meet you one day.

      1. You are welcome Mr Gage, I made myself two mistakes in my own post:

        I wrote insted without an “A” and “On” instead of OF


        May the Force be with You Master Randy Gage

  2. I think so it’s really like that you said Mr. Gage! I’m sure we are numerous to be in that case…”one of those ..someone”. Have a nice day Randy.

  3. Wow, That’s what I needed, thanks, you do not know me personally and believe me, as I admire what you did, and as Christ said, trust and your faith will heal you.

    Thank you Randy

  4. Telling them you believe in them is step 1.

    Step 2 is showing them you believe in them by diving in & helping them with their first events to help them get results. The results raises their belief in their business & ultimately themselves.

    Then depending on the timing of the next team / company event there is 3 & 4.

    Step 3 is they duplicate & get results on their own. Their belief in self takes a massive leap.

    Step 4 is they attend a company / team event & their belief in the business takes a leap.

    Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

    Thanks Randy!

    Glad someone believed in you back in the day. Can’t imagine how many dreams would have never been ignited if that someone hadn’t believed in you.

  5. Randy,

    It was because of your believe & mentoring to me when Randy was alive & we were just starting out that helped me to become a mid six figure income earner in the business.

    Thanks for all you are & all you do man.

  6. Hey Randy’

    First of all we need to beilive in ourselves to develope
    self confidence,than other people will believe in us.
    I appreciate your beleiving in me,thank you a lot.

  7. Thanks so much randy! It’s so funny you say this bc i have been up and down as far as my belief in myself. The business is awesome and it’s never the buisness. It’s always me not really giving 100 bc of my belief in myself. Thanks so much!!

  8. Randy, I do agree that the Power of Belief is what helps me to get to the next step, and then the next step. It is the glue that holds my dream until it comes to fruition.

    Randy, you are so appreciated.

  9. Pleasant to hear you believe in me as well….

    You are a great inspiration to me and the rest of us who come from developing African countries… that we can have a meaningful future, after all!

    Thanks a lot.

    Camille. G. ( from Rwanda.)

  10. Thanks for the vote of confidence Randy but i have to admit sometimes i struggle with that. Will that ever go away ? Danny From OH

  11. Thank you sir!

    Someone told me once. “I’ll believe in you, until you can believe in yourself.’

    Now I try to share the same thought with others that are struggling with self-belief.

  12. Огромное спасибо, Рэнди, за твою веру не только в себя, но и в каждого из нас. А твоя личная жизненная история – безоговорочное доказательство безграничной и безмерной силы этой веры! И такая же безграничная и безмерная моя вера в тебя, моя любовь и благодарность тебе за позволение мечтать, верить и исполнять свои мечты!
    Всех благ тебе! И храни тебя Господь!

  13. I read your posts every time I receive one. Seems like you address the areas that I need a little “kick in the behind” on. Keep it coming. Thanks

  14. hi Randy Gage…i just recently started my MLM business and make it full time basis… Want to follow this blog…MORE..MORE..MORE…thanks (Philippines}

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