Being Great in the Biz

I hope you’ve read today’s post on being great over at There are some important lessons for you.  And I’d like to continue the conversation here, specifically on how it relates to network marketing…

In the other post we discuss the little decisions that make a difference, helping someone win a gold medal.  But what gives us those breakthroughs in MLM?

Remember that results are not the attainment of greatness.  These are simply the confirmation that you have done what it takes to be great.  So if you qualified for that bonus car, broke that elite rank, or won that award trip, that’s just your company recognizing that you are great.

But what made you great?  And if you haven’t got those things yet, what will make you great?

Taking the time over the weekend to plan out your schedule for the week ahead.  Setting priorities to do rainmaker activity instead of busywork.  It’s making five more contacts a day.  Doing one or two more home meetings a week.  Putting down the remote control and working on your own dreams, instead of watching someone else’s.

That’s what makes you great!  You up for that?


15 thoughts on “Being Great in the Biz

    1. Like Nam’s comment that focusing on what we call “money actions” consistently & habitually is not an option IF . . . some one really wants breakthrough success in our profession.

      Those of us that have attained that status & continue to grow have learned to ask the right questions namely , never is it “hard” but,

      If the actions or activities are worth it .

      Great post.

      – Regards,
      Warren Little

  1. Doing all the work to build the team and then believing in people more than they sometimes believed in themselves. Encouraging, uplifting, igniting dreams in a brand new rep. Some people just try to rip thru and put a lot of people in and then leave those people behind in search of the next person to bring in.

    To get to the big ranks you have to slow down to speed up.

    When we went on our first bonus trips and got the big checks years ago we took the time to record videos, send postcards back home, take pictures and just let the team know we appreciated them being a part of what it took for us to qualify for the trip and that we sincerely believed they were next.

    It’s not only what you do for you, it’s what you do for them.

  2. Thanks Randy, because the weekend I a little ignored regarding the work activities taking on power for other one.


  3. Hey Randy, so glad Im on your mailing list, this new post you put up comes at just the right time for where Im at in developing my business and will follow thru on the steps this weekend.. thats for the as always great uplifting support! See you at the top!

  4. i believe so strongly that the reward of any kind is not what makes a networker great, rather it is positive attitudes and steps taking in the right direction that guarantee greatness in MLM biz as well as other forms of business endeavours,

  5. Hi Randy;

    I am ready! Just cancelled my Tv Cable this week, and made 10 commitments for the next two weeks, and send them to a business partner, Now I have to report my progress every two days.

    Going for the pin that recognize me as Great!

    Thanks for all the things you write

  6. Hey Randy,

    “As you sow, so you shall reap”.One will either enjoy or suffer the consequences of his earlier actions or inactions.

  7. Agreed. It’s the little things you do day in and day out that make a difference. The things that no one sees. It’s not the glamour shots – it’s the everyday work. That’s what we have to keep in mind. I try to remember that when the going gets tough and I do not want to make the next call or get the next contact. I try to remember to just keep putting one foot in front of the other!

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