The Universe University

Guess what?  The universe isn’t trying to knock you down.  But it does send you messages and give you lessons.

And when you don’t learn the lesson, the universe sends it to you again.  And again.

So you can rail against this.  Or understand and accept it, and use it to your own growth and development.

You have problems getting people to accept your invitations?  That means you need better inviting skills or need to work on your passion, intensity and urgency.

Do you get people coming to your presentations, but their not signing up?  That means your presentation isn’t powerful enough or you’re not following up effectively afterward.  Or that you’re making it about you instead of using a 3rd party resource.

Do you have a lot of people dropping out or going to other opportunities?  Perhaps you’re not supporting them enough, or haven’t created a team infrastructure.

There is no random.  Things happen because of causes.  So when the University of the Universe is sending you a lesson – make sure you’re a willing student.

So are you saying things like, “the products are too expensive, my sponsor is a bum, the economy is bad, people are conservative here” or any others excuses – or are  you looking in the mirror and asking how you can get better?

P.S.  I’m here in Houston getting ready for the Mastermind Event. It’s going to be amazing and I’m looking forward to meeting many of you here.


18 thoughts on “The Universe University

  1. Good lesson Randy. I like what God said to Joshua in the Old Testament, “Behold, I set before you and open door, and no man can shut it.”

    ‘The Universe University’ always teaches the truth. Learn and obey the lessons, and be successful.

  2. Hey Randy,

    The University of the Universe ,or God or what ever you call it,
    whow you the way,give you signs.
    Be aware of those signs, and learn from them.

  3. Sometimes we’re so busy screaming why, why, why, we miss the answers! Listening to the answers and learning the lesson is how we move forward. Even if we don’t like what we hear.

  4. Hi Randy,
    Great post. Helps to re-align to basic fundamentals.

    How do you work on PASSION? The business definitely speaks to the mind and makes a whole lot of sense…. but what if it doesn’t speak to the heart?

  5. I have been involved in three MLM “opportunities” and left perhaps mainly because the products or services were simply not something I would buy myself anymore.

    It didn’t start out that way. The products or services looked promising, but when the mobile phone service products were five years behind the competition or when I discovered they had magnesium stearate and even sucralose (!) in “health” products I knew it was time to step out of it.

    The truth is not coming to suit your entertainment preferences or to kiss your ego.

    The truth is not coming on stage in a fancy dress costume while you sit on your arse accompanied by a large box of popcorn and a medium diet coke.

    The truth only comes as what it really is and it is not ever after your approval to do so.

    It is not compulsory to take any notice of the truth either. It won’t force you to.



    Myself 1 year 4 month crawling kid in referral plat form.

    What u have mention in the points 100 out 100 % true.

    Myself I am in learning curve & I will follow your coach, guidance and moral support from remotely.

    What I have chosen the plat form, my coaches and my mentors showcasing your video’s for training is no second thought or place any where.

    Hat’s off to your valuable courage and people you are mentoring on mother earth.



  7. It’s tough out there but there are a lot of great opportunities also. Keep your eyes open and yes, try to learn those lessons the universe is sending to you. It’s important to be receptive and make little changes when they need to be made. Ask your customer or prospect what you can do better and you’ll learn a lot.

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