Partnering with New People

Wow what a great response to 7 Laws of MLM Success. Thanks all for sharing your thoughts.  So let me ask you something else…

One of the things I told you was that people don’t join our business simply because of information.  If it were that simple, all we would have to do would be hand out DVDs at the mall.  I believe they join because they believe in you as a partner for their success.

That’s why every presentation should talk about the system you have, orientation training, marketing materials, and other support infrastructure.

But the most important thing is how they see you helping them.  So what are some of the ways you demonstrate this when you’re talking with prospects?  Please check in with your best practices below.


19 thoughts on “Partnering with New People

  1. I specify the support group and list individual names of upline who then CALL or Emai my new recruit to reinforce what I have told them. We then discuss in detail exactly what “support” means and how to capitalize on it. It’s working!

  2. I try to do three way calls with them and I send them weekly emails on motivational or training material, not too much for them to absorb but just small tid bits that might trigger a though from them or brighten their day.

  3. Hi Randy,
    This is sort of built in with my business. Because we do Showcases and garment fittings, and the new dist. does not have demo garments untill their first order arrives, I do their first Showcases for (and with) them. It serves as OJT and is a good bonding experience.
    Mary Jo

  4. This is what I have been missing. I have not coached my recruits or taught them how to do the business…aside from getting them to come to a meeting. I like the idea of three-waying them to my sponsor. It makes a lot of sense. Thanks.

  5. I use 3-way calling as part of the process to introduce people to the people and systems in place for my network marketing opportunity. Thanks for the great post Randy.
    Make it a great day!
    God Bless,

  6. For me education is key. Talk with your prospects not directly about your business, but about creating passive income. Then use your business as an example they will be more responsive to you that way. It really works for me case in point I live in South Florida and I have a team of distributors in Jamaica and My team and I haven’t met as of yet, bot I will be on my way soon. Thank you all for reading my in put. Have a blessed day.


  7. I like the idea of three-way calling, but find that sometimes it is difficult to sync up schedules! The team meetings and/or trainings are always good to bring people to, but I find that what works best for me is actually to hold team trainings (and get to know each other events) at my place! I promote Healthy Chocolate for a living, and it’s always fun to get a bunch of new people who have never tried the product before over to my place, where they can sample it with no pressure and get any questions answered that they may have.

  8. We either present the business at our down-lines home or they bring their guests to ours. We host a weekly public place meeting where everyone participates. Sitting down with people and giving them the steps they have to go through before they get in, explaining the time frames and mapping it onto their dreams. We have had sixty people go through the house in a three day period and often there is only one or two that are our directs. When our upline visits for three or four days our personal guests are invited. Letting them know they will never show someone without up-line support in the beginning makes all the difference. After a few showings the hot runners are chomping at the bit to show the business. Lots of activity is exhilarating for everyone.

  9. You absolutely need to sell your company and your value add to your prospect. What can you do for them? Don’t tell them what your upline or company can do for them (at least not as much)… why would they sign with you if you have nothing unique to offer?

    Very nice and concise information. I’m going to read more…

  10. In addition to basic initial steps to get started, I have a system of Tell, Show, Try, Do. I try to get them to participate in activities that we are engaged in.

  11. Let them feel the excitement so that they will watch the information and be ready to discuss it and take action.

  12. I always like to keep in mind that when we are prospecting, whether our prospects know it or not, we are training them from the moment we begin speaking to them. So I use our system from the first exposure…maybe a recorded sizzle call, or a 3 way quick overview call.

    Keep it simple, BUT with the right posture and confidence. People can smell insecurity. If they believe in you, they will be more likely to follow you. And when they see that you have a very systematic process of recruiting, they won’t be intimidated by the business.

  13. I assure them that it is normal that they would feel very new at the time they sign up, but also assure them that I have a Welcome to The Team e.mail which will give them all the information to get them started. I also book a time, straight away to go through the e.mail and show them what to go to and listen to first.

    I also try and get them straight onto the group training sessions so they become part of the team and hear other people’s stories.

    This is a very vulnerable time, and I don’t want to look back later and realize that I did not give enough assistance. To me, I want each of my people to be one of the 3%, not one of the 97%.

  14. In our industry it is important to remember, building a successful business is no different than any other industry. Unfortunately all to often the perception by people they think all you have to do in sign up, buy some product and people we approach will do the same.
    While that may be the mechanics it sure is much more involved.

    If we are going to be serious business builders we must learn how to guide, teach and involve our partners in the specific steps to follow. If we are brand new we need to rely on others to be our mentors until we become mentors ourself.

    One of the best ways is to use the 3-way call support. During the 3-way call it must be identified do we really have a person that wants to become a true partner, if so are they willing to commit to learning the process. Training then begins simply as: tell, show, roll play, do.

    It is our responsibility to make sure their performance transfers into the results needed for their success.

    Tools are the best way I have found to help people migrate from being brand new, fish out of the water to someone able to swim with the sharks and not be eaten.

    Tools needed: A prerecorded presentation, (so they will not perceive they need to know what you know) A prerecorded getting started training to cover the necessary steps to qualify etc. open access to you or an up-line mentor.

    If your looking to build a long term business in network marketing everyone has to be able to do the same thing, all the time, weather they evolve to become a leader or not.

  15. I tell them that I am already working from home, so I have the time to help them 24/7 if they want to build a really big buisness.

    I offer them 3 way calls and to support them with having their own weekly team meeting.

    And I offer them to call or mail me at any time.

    So that´s my personally support everyone can get on join my team.

    Best regards

    Volker Schaefer

  16. We explain the Company support and the added value of our network .This imcludes free seminars ,webinars, monthly coaching sessions,weekly product and marketing teleconferences We propose “First take the pre- application training -if you hav been qualified-and then you and we ‘ll deside if the partership works”

  17. something interasting from Lisa Braun/

    “I have always believed that you become
    good at something, then you manage others
    in how to do it then you teach others how to do it.
    Twice in my career I have been a manager
    and it has not gone well either time.

    Maybe this is not the best use of my skills.”

    It’s pretty obvious you haven’t given
    nearly enough thought to what YOU want…
    that is, thinking about where you
    are really good.

    Just like the thousands of people out there
    who try to set goals and get nowhere.

    If you don’t know Who You Really Are,
    how is the Universe supposed to give
    you what you want?

    It’s time for total clarity.

    You may be good at many things, but only
    a few will make your heart sing.

    Only a tiny number of activities
    will make you delight in yourself.

    These are your areas of true genius.

    You should focus only on those…and how
    you are going to use them to serve others.

    Ask yourself: If I could be doing anything,
    anywhere, with no limits–what would it be?

    Meditate on this question.

    It’s a doozy.

    Over time, you’ll get in touch with your
    real desires–the things that will make
    you truly happy and showcase your genius.

    This is what you should be setting goals to
    achieve–and making a plan of action to do it.

    Of course, the reason it’s hard to do this
    is because most of us have a limiting self-image
    holding us back.

    Your conscious mind wants to set goals,
    but your unconscious self-image does not believe yet.

    But you can easily shift your self-image and
    align your conscious and subconscious mind. “

  18. Hi Randy
    Me and my partners follow a Partnership Orientation procedure. In this we explain the Company support and OUR added value .This added value inludes :FREE services such as: Training on Proffessional Start and Basic Marketing Activities, Telesmenars, Webinars,3-way supporting calls, Our Web Com,munity,etc

  19. Hi Randy.

    you are God! god of MLM. i learn from you, i teach you.
    i became better person because of you and a very successfull network marketer, thanks to you.
    i decided to become a rock star and not a grinder.


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