Making the First Circle Work

One of the biggest complaints I hear is people talking about their team members.   Complaining that they don’t buy enough, sponsor enough, work hard enough of anything else enough.   What I hear the most is, “Why can’t I find more people like me?”

That’s the problem.  You did.

Because most of your people are duplicating what you do.  That is sponsoring a few people then chasing after them, trying to goad them on to making you rich.  But to make the circles work, you have to make the first circle work.

And that begins with you.

What is your personal use volume?  How much retail volume do you produce?  How many people have you sponsored?  How many nights a week are you in the living rooms and media rooms, working in depth helping to build the business?

What is the behavior you are modeling for your team?

You can’t manage your way to the top of this business.  And you can’t manage people.  You lead people and you manage things.

So are you leading?


20 thoughts on “Making the First Circle Work

  1. Randy..
    I thought I was done chasing But I find myself trying to go back.. i’m always adding to the funnel. my pesonal volume on our products is 4 to 5 per month,
    Im new at this so.. is’nt volume produced the same?
    I have 2 meetings per week (not counting 1 on 1’s) mabey I’m I’m trying to hard to help build depth (help others) and i feel like I’m chasing?
    I model what I’ve learned… but I will DO the last part of this and that IS.. my GOAL that is to lead people and manage my things. as always randy thanks for your help

  2. Randy

    ” You lead people and you manage things.”

    That quote is one of my best from you!

    And the more I read it from you, and quote it myself, and the more I learn and watch you… the more it sinks in and works its way into my being.

    It truly is the biggest shift from a small business mentality into big business mentality. From “I can do it all” or “be more like me” to “I lead and inspire” and “Ieaders create themselves in the right culture”

    Thanks a lot!

  3. Hey Randy,
    Thanks a bunch I agree with Natalie, I Love that quote from you. I am responsible for creating a culture that creates the leaders my team needs to grow. Reminders like this are most welcome.

  4. Orrin Woodward says ‘Your group will duplicate 50% of what you do right and 100% of what you do wrong.’ Given our programming is so far out of whack that we need to fill out minds with much more empowering material given all the available programming it seems we ought to do 2-4x the ‘right’ kind of leadership. Seems kids are similar… always watching.

  5. Yep! It’s amazing. People will follow what you DO and not what you say. When I was a martial arts teacher I learned this. EVERY time I would Say move left and then I would physically move right, what do you think happened? They moved right of course. Remember our mind communicates in pictures. I had a lady on my team call me today with just the complaint of your post. She said “My team’s not doing anything. They don’t come to meetings, blah, blah, blah blah.” It’s like the old Charlie Brown cartoons with Charlie listening to the teacher. My response…..what have you done for your (you) team today?

    Remember Millionaires do not do certain things. They do things in a certain way.


  6. A couple of days ago, I attended a teleseminar hosted by J. Middleton, formerly a top earner in Excel. Her strongest advise was joining the local Chamber of Commerce…meet ’em and greet ’em…schmooz and shake plenty of hands. Is that really “duplicatable” – or am I missing something?

  7. Randy
    Basically it comes down to a matter of leadership. Building the leader within yourself and not relying on people to solve your problems.

    Leadership by example, doing what you say…and offering value to the people you bring into your downline. I discovered a little while ago that I am no longer chasing people, I look for people to partner with. People who have similar goals, values and beliefs. This all came with discovering what I needed to learn and grow, so that I had the ability to support my partners.

    That’s why I set up my site to deliver that kind of support for people to learn.

  8. Being new to network marketing, I am finding this info invaluable. This post was a great one and you’re exactly right, leaders develop high performing teams with demonstrative action and manage time and activities, not people. The team members are following the example set right before them. Thanks Randy and Have a good one!

    John Moore

  9. Like the late great Jim Rohn used to say “some will do 30%, some will do 60% and some will do 100%. You’ll kill yourself trying to get the 30’s & 60’s to do 100.”

    So keep giving your 110%, And the ones not doing 100% maybe they will see you and get the ambition to do the same, or not! Give the ones that deserve your attention the support they need, when the others are ready they will appear.

  10. Yes, you lead people and you manage things. The most precious principle there is that yoy are leading by he example. This can make some of your people to feel uncomfortable, if they feel that they “have” to do the same. If the essence of this business is preceived by someone as “Have to”, which means another “job ” mentality, he has to change his thoughts. You open the first circle and go on with the people who follow you

  11. Hi Randy,

    I totally agree with your idea of leading people and managing things.
    People are not created to be managed in any capacity by others. I believe the best managers of people are ourselves. It is through managing ourselves that we become leaders and can then lead others to do the same as us. I believe that the people who join us will model exactly what we do and even in excess.
    This is a point that most people who are new to Network Marketing do not understand or realize. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

    Here’s to a wonderful year of leadership in 2010.

    Make it a great day!
    God Bless,

  12. Good point. Gives me a view on our own organisation, even more who and how am I led by in the past….

  13. Hi Randy,
    “What’s the biggest challenge people in our business face”
    When ou get new persons to your organizaion you need to to
    make the right choise for every lead that you add to your organizaion.
    you have to guide your partners to duplicate you and the system of mlm.

    to your succes.
    Lea Sedan.

  14. Hi Randy,

    I think the best thing that one can do is not only teach their personally sponsored people the business but to work with as many people as possible so that even 100 people that you sponsor do 1% of the work.

    I heard that if you sponsor 100 people into a business, 5-10 will become top leaders who will reach the top of the compensation plan which really means making you really successful and wealthy.

    Tal Fighel

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