(Para Español, continúa leyendo abajo)
Alas, the ongoing chronicles of the “MLM Junkies” continues repeating the pattern, year after year, company after company.
On Monday I got a message from Art Jonak that there was a live-stream of ABC company, announcing their sale to XYZ company. Company ABC had targeted my own company a few years back, buying off a top leader and attempting to get many others. In fact they laid a trail of destruction across the entire network marketing landscape, making sweetheart deals with every leader they could buy.
I’ve been witnessing this sad saga replayed over and over for more than 25 years. Five or six years ago, ABC company was the “hot” deal on the scene. One of their principals was sending his private jet around the globe, wining and dining leaders he wanted to poach away from other companies. And he got a lot. Sales were skyrocketing, shareholders were happy, most of the other companies were jealous. But a strange thing happened…
Those hired mercenaries turned out to be, well, mercenaries. And when DEF company came along and wanted to make a big splash, most of these “mercs” went with DEF for under the table deals and payoffs.
There is a morphing blob of a couple hundred thousand “MLM junkies,” who drift from deal to deal, every couple of years. They’re always jockeying for a better position, trying to flip their upline into their downline. Unfortunately for them, they have no idea that the game is rigged, so they can never win. Because if you’re not recognized as one of those “heavy hitters,” you don’t get the cooked line, master distributor position, or phantom positions in the tree for your spouse, mom, dog, cat, and parakeet that these manipulative deal-making insiders negotiate for themselves.
Eventually the junkies leave DEF company for GHI company, and two years later, they’re at JKL company. Until we get to where we are today….
Poor ABC company geared up staff and production to handle all that amazing growth they had for two years, but then the bottom fell out. Most of the mercenaries had moved on, and the company couldn’t slash overhead fast or deep enough. Finally the dealmaker was forced out in a desperate refinancing. Now company XYZ is buying the burnt out shell.
So I couldn’t help myself, and tuned in to see the carnage. But the presentation was amateur and cheesy and I had work to do, so I tuned out after two minutes. To paraphrase Dwight Yoakum, it was just another lesson about a naive fool that came to Babylon, and found out that the pie don’t taste so sweet.
Every couple years these junkies blow up whatever work they’ve done, destroy yet more of whatever waning credibility they have remaining, and jump to the next hot deal, thinking this time it will be different. But of course it never is.
Because you don’t reach success in MLM but getting in the hot deal at the right time, but by getting in the right deal and making it hot. By going to work.
Of course I’d love to tell you that my company is different and we would never do a deal. But that would be a lie. One of the co-founders was a dealmaker. And when I joined, most of the top income earners, including my sponsor, were on some kind of deal. I didn’t have a problem with it, because at least they were disclosed. And of course they were ready to offer me the farm. I think they were shocked that I didn’t want a deal of any kind. I bought a distributor kit and purchased the “everything but the kitchen sink” activation order for about $1,000. It was important to me that everyone I brought into the business could duplicate everything I was going to do. And they did…
I sponsored 11 people the first month. Each of them with no network marketing experience. Two more the second month. I went to work, driving depth, teaching them the basic skills of meeting people, working a candidate list, making invitations, and follow up. It was steady work, building block stuff, staying with each line until someone in that line took it away from me. Creating the team support structure required: a team website, training manuals, plug-and-play presentation tools, and live events where real people actually went in person and shook hands with other real people, instead of hiding behind their computer, “liking” cat videos on Facebook.
By year two, I was now the top income earner in the world. The next year, the former top income earner left – for a deal with ABC company. Meanwhile my company had made another deal and brought in another “heavy hitter.’ Because they had a cooked leg, within a couple years, they replaced me as the top income earner. For a few months at least, until they found a better deal and left. (Since then, they’ve been in at least eight other deals I know of.)
A couple years later, my sponsor negotiated a buyout to his deal and now makes his living as a generic trainer. In fact, within five years, every single person who had a deal with my company was gone. And the guy making the deals, was terminated by the board of directors. (And since then, he’s bounced around through about ten different deals.)
I don’t wish any ill for any of those people. I hope things work out the best for all of them. As for me, I’m just minding my own business; doing what I always do. I drive around town to new peoples’ homes, to be there for their first meeting, driving depth in the organization. I get on planes and speak at major events for my long distance lines. And last night, I had my latest prospect in front of a TV, watching a presentation. (And yes we have mobile apps, replicated websites and other technology. But you still have to work. With real people. in the real world.)
Because this is how the business is built…
It is mindboggling to see how many people simply refuse to see this reality. And every couple of years, there is another inexperienced and gullible company owner who thinks they can jumpstart their growth and circumvent the time it takes to build a structure. So they pull out their checkbooks, and start buying mercs. They have a two-year run, become the next hot deal, and then cry foul when the next, next hot deal poaches away the very people they poached from someone else. Junkie see, junkie do…
Unfortunately here’s what other collateral damage happens along the way…
On every cycle of the process, there are thousands of junkies that burn out. They have been in so many deals, burned through so many contacts, and maxed-out so many credit cards that they simply give up the ghost. And that’s a heart-breaking tragedy.
Because these are not bad people, and they’re not lazy. They really wanted to succeed. They joined network marketing because they had a dream: They wanted to be their own boss, spend time with their family, drive one of those exotic bonus cars, take that trip to that glamorous locale, sponsor that orphanage, or simply break the bonds of debt. And when they throw away that last flipchart or distributor kit – their dream goes in the recycling bin with it.
Also on every cycle, there are some junkies that stay, because they have the security of the top-up or other fixed deal they were able to get as a mid-level merc. But alas, it turns out they can’t actually build a network marketing organization.
Because first of all, that takes honest work. Building a business in network marketing is simple, but it’s not easy. You do have to actually work.
Second it requires integrity and being able to look people in the eye and promise them that they have the same exact opportunity and pay structure that you began with.
And it means actually knowing the fundamentals of the business: how to meet people, make compelling invitations, use duplicable tools, and become great at teaching and mentoring.
If you want to truly develop – and lead – a large team, you have to create a support structure of marketing tools, training materials, and live and online events that nurture the team. This is sacrificial effort that doesn’t translate immediately into higher bonus checks early on, but creates true residual income and duplication for a lifetime.
I’d like to say my company has the best products in the entire world. But that’s not true. My company has some amazing products. Just like about three hundred other MLM and direct selling companies. I’d like to say my company has the best compensation plan in the world. But there are at least 100 companies with great pay plans. You probably want to be in the best company in the world. And for you, that’s probably the one you’re in right now.
Want to become an MLM Rock Star? Stop looking for the next hot deal. Stop looking for the next heavy hitter and become one yourself. Stay with your company, develop your skills and be willing to do the work it requires.
Otherwise you become the “mud against the wall,” in the saga with no end…
Now company XYZ is just the latest entity to be running around the globe offering these backroom deals to anyone that will take them. So it was only fitting that they pick up the crumbs of company ABC for fractions of pennies on the dollar. The smoke and mirrors have all played out. Now all they’re buying is the wisps of leftover smoke and the shards of broken mirrors.
Meanwhile, all the parties involved are making proclamations of grandeur and world domination about their new, stronger entity changing the game forever. Please forgive us if we’ve seen this movie before.
How the story ends….
So about an hour later, Art messaged me to ask what I thought of the live stream. I told him I was preparing my leadership call for that night and had prospects to follow up with, so I had dropped off after two minutes. He insisted that I go back and watch it some more. So I was intrigued enough to comply, and was glad I did, because I got the biggest laugh of my week.
The main speaker still wasn’t giving up the ghost, beseeching some of the mercenaries that had left that, “You have my number!” But my favorite part was when he was thanking the “millions of viewers” around the world who were watching. The live feed had 278 people.
P.S. If you really believe in our profession – and doing it the right way – I hope you’ll share this post all over social media. The profession gets stronger every time you do. There are share buttons above.
— En Español – Gracias to Felipe Fandiño —
Adictos lo ven, Adictos lo hacen
Por desgracia, las crónicas en curso de “Adictos de Redes de Mercadeo” continúa repitiendo el patrón, año tras año , compañía tras compañía.
El lunes recibí un mensaje de Art Jonak diciéndome que hay una transmisión en vivo de una empresa ABC, anunciando su venta a la empresa XYZ. Compañía ABC había puesto en la mira a mi propia empresa hace unos años, compro a uno de los líderes top y trato de hacerlo con muchos otros. De hecho, dejaron un rastro de destrucción a lo largo de todo el panorama del mercadeo en red, haciendo cerrando tratos con todos los líderes que pudieran comprar.
He sido testigo de la repetición de esta triste saga una y otra vez durante más de 25 años. Hace cinco o seis años, la empresa ABC era “la mejor oportunidad” del momento. Uno de sus directivos enviaba su jet privado por todo el mundo, para cenar con líderes y robándoselos de otras compañías. Y se robaron bastantes. Las ventas se dispararon, los accionistas estaban felices, y la mayoría de las otras compañías estaban celosas. Pero sucedió una cosa extraña …
Esos mercenarios contratados resultaron ser, bueno, mercenarios. Y cuando llego la empresa DEF y quiso hacer una gran explosión, la mayoría de estos “mercenarios” se fueron con la compañía DEF con tratos hechos por debajo de la mesa y una una buena paga
Hay una mancha cambiante de un par de cientos de miles de “adictos de redes de mercadeo” que saltan de empresa en empresa cada par de años. Siempre están compitiendo por una mejor posición tratando de convertir su línea ascendente en su línea descendente. Desafortunadamente para ellos, no tienen la menor idea de que el juego está arreglado, por lo que nunca puede ganar. Porque si usted no está reconocido como uno de los “pesos pesados”, no va a obtener la línea que ya está construida, la posición principal, o posiciones fantasma en el árbol para su cónyuge, mamá, perro, gato, y loro, que estos manipuladores que ofrecen los tratos ya han negociado para si mismos.
Eventualmente los adictos dejan a la empresa DEF para irse a la empresa GHI, y dos años más tarde, se van a la empresa JKL. Hasta que llegamos a lo que esta pasando hoy…
La pobre compañía ABC preparo personal y producción para manejar todo este crecimiento increíble que tuvieron durante dos años, pero luego todo se les cayo. La mayoría de los mercenarios se habían cambiado a otra compañía y la empresa iba a poder recortar los gastos generales lo suficientemente rápido o profundo. Por último, el negociador que hacia los tratos fue obligado a salir de la enreda en una refinanciación desesperada. Ahora una empresa XYZ está comprando todos los quemados que quedaron de estas compañías
Así que no pude evitar conectarme a esta llamada para ver esta carnicería. Pero la presentación era hecha por aficionados y cursi y yo tenía trabajo que hacer, así que me salí después de dos minutos. Parafraseando a Dwight Yoakum, era sólo otra lección sobre un tonto ingenuo que llegó a Babilonia, y se enteró de que el pastel no sabia tan rico.
Cada par de años estos adictos dañan cualquier trabajo que han hecho, y destruyen aún más cualquier credibilidad que les queda, y se pasan a la siguiente empresa con la “mejor oportunidad” del momento pensando que esta vez será diferente. Pero, por supuesto, nunca lo es.
Porque no se alcanza el éxito en Redes de mercadeo a través meterse en la empresa con la “mejor oportunidad” en el momento adecuado, sino metiéndose en la oportunidad correcta y convirtiéndola oportunidad. Y esto se hace trabajando.
Por supuesto que me encantaría decirles que mi empresa es diferente y que nunca haría una cosa de estas. Pero eso sería una mentira. Uno de los co-fundadores fue uno de estos negociadores. Y cuando me incorporé a la empresa, la mayoría de las personas con ingresos superiores a mi, incluyendo a mi patrocinador, habían hecho alguno de estos acuerdos. No tuve problema con esto, porque al menos ellos lo hicieron de frente. Y por supuesto que estaban listos para ofrecerme uno grande a mi. Creo que quedaron sorprendidos al saber que yo no quería un acuerdo de ningún tipo. Compré un kit de distribuidor para la activación por alrededor de 1.000 Usd. Era importante para mí que todo el mundo yo trajera al negocio pudiera duplicar todo lo que yo hiciera.
Y así fue…
Enrole 11 personas el primer mes. Cada uno de ellos sin experiencia en las ventas. Dos más en el segundo mes. Y empece a trabajar, conduciendo la profundidad, enseñándoles las habilidades básicas de conocer gente nueva, trabajar una lista de candidatos, hacer invitaciones y hacer seguimiento. Era un trabajo constante, construyendo ladrillo por ladrillo, quedándome trabajando con cada lides hasta que alguien en esa línea siguiera haciendo el trabajo por mi. Creando la estructura de apoyo al equipo necesaria: un sitio web del equipo, manuales de entrenamiento, herramientas de presentación en video de “solo pon play”, y eventos en vivo en donde personas reales fueran y se dieran la mano con otras personas reales, en lugar de estar escondidos detrás de su computadora, dándole “Me gusta” a vídeos de gatos en Facebook.
Para el segundo año, yo ya era la persona en la empresa con el ingreso más alto del mundo. En el siguiente año, el que solía tener este título se fue de la empresa porque lo compro la empresa ABC. Mientras tanto, mi compañía ya había hecho otro “trato” y se trajo a otro “peso pesado”. Y como lo pusieron en una pierna ya construida, en un par de años, me reemplazaron con esta persona en ser la persona con más ingresos. Esto fue por unos meses, hasta que que esta persona encontró un mejor trato y se fue. (Desde entonces, ha estado en al menos otras ocho compañías que conozco.)
Un par de años más tarde, mi patrocinador negocio una salida de su acuerdo que tenía y ahora se gana la vida como entrenador genérico. De hecho, dentro de los siguientes cinco años, todas personas que estaban por acuerdo con mi compañía se fueron. Y el tipo del corporativo que hacia las ofertas fue sacado de la empresa por la consejo junta directiva. (Y desde entonces, ha pasado por una decena de empresas diferentes.)
No le deseo ningún mal a ninguna de esas personas. Espero que las cosas les salgan bien a todos ellos. En cuanto a mí, sólo estoy pensando en mis cosas; hacer lo que siempre hago. Conduzco por la ciudad hacia las casas de la gente nueva, para estar allí en su primera reunión, para ayudarles a conducir la profundidad en la organización. Me monto en aviones y hablo en los principales eventos de mis líneas de larga distancia. Y anoche, tuve a mi más reciente prospecto en frente de un televisor, viendo una presentación.
Porque así es como se construye el negocio …
Es alucinante ver cómo muchas personas simplemente se niegan a ver esta realidad. Y cada par de años, hay otro propietario inexperto de alguna empresa que piensa que puede impulsar su crecimiento y evitar el tiempo que se tarda en construir una estructura. Así que ellos sacan sus chequeras, y comienzan a comprar mercenarios. Esto les dura dos años y se convierten en en la próxima “mejor oportunidad” y luego lloran sin parar cuando aparece la siguiente siguiente “mejor oportunidad” y les roba a todas las personas ellos le habían robado a alguien mas. El Adicto Observa, el Adicto Hace..
Lamentablemente hay otro daño colateral que sucede por el camino …
En cada ciclo del proceso, hay miles de adictos que se queman. Ellos han estado en tantas ofertas, quemando tantos contactos, y llenado el cupo de sus tarjetas de crédito tantas veces que simplemente entregar se rinden. Y eso es una tragedia desgarradora.
Porque estas no son malas personas, y no son perezosos. Ellos realmente querían tener éxito. Se unieron a las redes de mercadeo porque que tenían un sueño: Querían ser su propio jefe, pasar tiempo con su familia, conducir uno de esos coches de bonificación exóticos, hacer ese viaje a ese lugar asombroso, patrocinar un orfanato, o simplemente deshacerse de su deuda. Y cuando tiran a la basura la última herramienta de negocio o kit de distribuidor – junto a esto su sueño también se va a la basura
También en cada ciclo, hay algunos adictos que se quedan, porque tienen la seguridad de quedar en lo más arriba o hacer algún otro acuerdo con otra empresa por ser mercenarios de nivel medio. Pero, por desgracia, resulta que en realidad ellos no tienen como ni pueden construir una organización de mercadeo en red.
Porque en primer lugar, se requiere un trabajo honesto. La construcción de un negocio de redes de mercadeo es simple, pero no es fácil. Usted tiene que realmente trabajar.
En segundo lugar se requiere integridad y ser capaz de mirar a la gente a los ojos y prometerles que ellos tienen la misma oportunidad y estructura de pagos con la que usted comenzó.
Y se requiere realmente conocer los fundamentos del negocio: cómo conocer gente, hacer invitaciones apremiantes, utilizar herramientas duplicables, y llegar a ser grandes enseñando y siendo mentores.
Si se quiere desarrollar en verdad – y conducir – un gran equipo, tiene que crear una estructura de soporte de herramientas de marketing, materiales de capacitación, y eventos en vivo y en línea que nutran al equipo.
Este esfuerzo con sacrificio no se se traduce inmediatamente en cheques de bonificación desde el comienzo, pero sí que crea verdadero ingreso residual y la duplicación de por vida.
Me gustaría decir que mi empresa cuenta con los mejores productos en el mundo entero. Pero hasta depronto no es así. Mi empresa tiene productos increíbles. Al igual que unas trescientas otras compañías de redes de mercadeo y de venta directa. Me gustaría decir que mi empresa tiene el mejor plan de compensación en el mundo. Pero hay por lo menos 100 empresas con grandes planes de pago. Es posible que desees estar en la mejor compañía en el mundo. Y para ti, esa es probablemente en la que estás en este momento.
¿Deseas convertirte en un Rock Star de las Redes de Mercadeo? Deja de buscar estar en la siguiente “mejor oportunidad” Deja de buscar al siguiente “peso pesado” y más bien conviértete en uno. Quédate con tu empresa, desarrolla tus habilidades y esta dispuesto a hacer el trabajo que requiere.
De lo contrario te conviertes en las sobras de esta saga sin fin …
Ahora esta empresa XYZ es simplemente la que actualmente está yendo por todo el mundo ofreciendo estos acuerdos por debajo de la mesa a cualquiera que los acepte. Entonces apenas lógico que estén recogiendo las personas que son las sobras de la empresa ABC, con los pagarles fracciones de centavos de dólar. El humo y los espejos ya están quemados. Ahora todo lo que están comprando es las sobras de humo y los fragmentos de espejos rotos.
Pero al mismo tiempo, todas las partes involucradas están haciendo proclamaciones de grandeza y de que van a dominar el mundo con su nueva empresa y que van a cambiar el juego para siempre. Por favor!! perdónenos si ya sabemos el final de esta película.
Asi termina la historia ….
Una hora más tarde, Art Jonak me envió un mensaje para preguntarme qué pensaba de la transmisión en vivo. Le dije que estaba preparando mi llamada de liderazgo de por la noche y tenía prospectos pendientes de hacerles el seguimiento, por lo cual, me salí después de dos minutos. Me insistió en que me volviera a meter y oyera un poco mas. Así que me intrigo lo suficiente para volverme a meter y me alegra que lo hice, porque no me había reído tanto en toda la semana.
El orador principal todavía no se había rendido, implorándole a algunos de los mercenarios que ya se habían salido diciéndoles “Ya tienes mi teléfono!” Pero mi parte favorita fue cuando le empezó a dar las gracias a los “millones de espectadores” en todo el mundo que estaban que estaban viendo. La señal en vivo tenía 278 personas.
– Randy Gage
Posdata: Si realmente crees en nuestra profesión – y en hacerlo de la manera correcta – Espero que compartas este post por todo los medios de de redes sociales. La profesión se hace más fuerte cada vez que compartas esto.
I don’t have any experience in mlm. I am poised to start with a company that, to me, seems like a fit. I would like to know if it is one of these “xyz” companies…
Jim, it doesn’t matter even if you are in “XYZ” company. If you stay with it, learn the necessary skills and are willing to do the work, you will succeed. -RG
Agree with this statement. Pro network marketer sometime pay couple years to understand and apply the system in the beginning of the career
Jim ~
Poised? I remember my start. Didn’t even know to introduce myself when I pushed pay now for my kit.
Make your own fire 😉
Nicely said, I couldn’t agree more with you Randy. Thanks for you diligent, honest work!!!
Estimado Randy:
Que me recomiendas para poder conseguir un arranque explosivo en mi MLM
Telling it like it is, as usual, Randy
I’m 35 years experience, 16 companies, one 7-figure annual volume (also the oldest co.), and a bit wiser for my journey. I’m also a multiple 7-figure Internet Marketer who sees precious little difference between MLM and I/M these days – the line is blurring between Amway and Amazon, isn’t it?
I’ve remained largely a “Mister X” char behind some of the most recognized successes in the MLM / IM world – as one of my favorite mentors would complain – too much aiming and nowhere near enough firing (laughing) – an extreme pay-it-fwd player of sorts.
Seen my share of leapers and company mayhem / endless comp plan fiddling / frontloading / etc – it’s just part of the deal – happens in brick/mortar world too.
One thing is for sure – it is NEVER boring!
With due respect, the internet marketing profession and MLM are nothing similar…we go to people’s living rooms and make calls together…we meet one Saturday a month for pizza and fun..we meet prospects for coffee…I see no lines being blurred between the two professions…
Awesome, honest and bold as always. But the concluding paragraph was epic! :p
If I’ve seen so much circus in last 8 years, I can guess what you might have seen in 25 years. And you know everytime these ‘next big thing’ comes with big promises, inflates and finally bursts, it badly affects the reputation of our industry as a whole. You talked about junkies who keep hopping from one deal to another, but they misled innocent unaware people too who swear to never ever return to this industry after such terrible experience.
That’s what disturbs me most. May be spreading awareness like this is the only solution.
Well spoken truth! I am loving what I do with the MLM company that I am involved with. A true visionary as the founder of the company. We ldon’t require any purchase of a product, it is a mission based company. To me, this is priceless! Someday, this will be all that I do! Thank you again for sharing your knowledge and most importantly, your time! Kim Welsh
The founder of the company is a true visionary!
Great article Randy! I so appreciate your integrity! I agree with you. Make a decision and stick with it, build for the long term and take care of your team!!!
Yo pase por 5 compañías diferentes de MLM (Forever living, Agel, ACN, FM Group y Amway), en ninguna he tenido resultados pero tampoco hice lo necesario para lograrlos. No sé, si es que no sirvo o no me gusta el MLM o porque siempre estoy buscando la mejor opción. Me gustaria dedicarme profesionalmente, pero me gustaría saber como saber si estoy en la empresa correcta y para el mercado correcto (ya que vivo en ESPAÑA y la gente es un poco reacida al MLM). Una empresa como Amway con tantos años en el mercado sigue siendo una buena opción o es mejor escoger una empresa mas nueva. Me gustaria conocer su opinión y consejo. Gracias
Estimado Jhonny
Yo tengo la compañía perfecta para que puedas abrir en españa, por favor envía un correo electrónico a mi dirección para ponernos en contacto guillo.ch@hotmail.com
Jhonny it can work for you. But you have to stay in one company, follow a duplicable system and keep working. -RG
Me llamo la atención si comentario , te recomiendo certificarte como networker con Randy ve a este sitio http://www.gagevt.com y entonces tu sólo analizarás que fue lo que te falto para conseguir tus objetivos. No te rindas! 😉
Bravo Randy! I’ve grown weary at times and have been disgusted to see, read and hear what has been, and is going on in our “profession” as to the topic you have covered. Great insight and advice!
Randy, you have brilliantly stated what many of us were thinking but haven’t put as neatly into words.
This is simply one of the very best you have shared.
It’s a massive problem in our industry that only seems to be getting worse.
Well done for being one of the very few willing to take on this destructive type of business building and mercenary buying that is hurting us all.
There are a lot better ways to make money rather than scamming the lower rungs of the pyramid in MLM.
In today’s internet world, so many people can be their own boss, including myself. I never scammed a soul. MLM scams like Quickstar, Xrii, etc are nothing but a pyramid scheme. You cannot be ethical and successful at MLM simultaneously.
You say you “cannot be ethical and successful at MLM simultaneously”.
The way I read Randy’s article – as well as the way the most successful people I work with behave – is that the ONLY way to be successful in the long term IS to be ethical.
so you are suggesting NOT do MLM. Because you cannot do MLM and be successful if you are ethical.
Did you read the blog? Randy is the top money earner in his MLM company and he achieved that success by being ethical. That disproves your theory.
Bravo & Congrats on being the one to attempt to spew garbage on all of our dreams. Sorry vcxcvhcxv but your irrational rhetoric won’t fly around here. FLUSH. It works for hundreds of thousands and it’ll work for you if you didn’t have such a poor outlook on life.
Great post, Randy
That’s a stellar piece Randy.
I recently posted that “integrity and reputation is all we have, and people will always remember what we stand for!” You’re a true leader and mentor. Thanks for being so!
Thank you. You are a true inspiration.
Well done, Randy
Hi randy.thank you for your life changing trainings &…… soonly we. Will organize a big BBS here in Ethiopia . I hope you will be gust speaker & will have great time. Let me know your response. Be blessed.
thank you for sharing God Bless.
Hi Randy – I can’t believe your E-mail linked to this post was the next one I opened after part-watching a video recommended to me by a previously ‘trusted’ source.
The video started out OK, but just five minutes in we got the ‘hard luck story’ that every GURU and their mother is duplicating to try and ‘sucker’ people in.
Naturally I stopped the video and fired off an E-mail to the ‘trusted’ source to tell him I didn’t appreciate being taken for a ‘sucker’.
What ever happened to integrity?
I know it’s something I’ve always associated with you Randy, which is why I watch and read ‘all’ of your stuff 🙂
Long may you continue to inspire and inform us.
Hi Pete,
Not sure what you are referring to. There is no email linked to this post, unless someone forwarded it to you. -RG
Hello Randy,
first of all: Thank you for writing and publishing this great article! Absolute true words – I have nothing more to add!
What is very important for the personal success in MLM & NM: Be yourself and not an actor, be disciplined, teach and train the facts & solutions that work – and keep staying in the company being associated with.
These network-hoppers destroy themselves their hard-built reputation and credibility, no matter if online or offline or both.
I was very impressed from DAY ONE when I heard Randy Gage speak, that was a day back in 2008.
Randy is consistent with his message and is congruent. This is the VISION I share and believe in. Unfortunately, I have not met anyone who delivers and lives the message like this.
I WILL be sharing this kind of message for our local chambers of commerce for the direct sales on Wednesday. May 13 2015.
Randy if you know another trainer who really truly lives this philosophy I would like to KNOW about them. I have been following you intelligently for SEVEN FULL years.
I am thoroughly convinced that it is the BEST BUSINESS MODEL under ONE CONDITION you do it and build it the CORRECT WAY.
EVERY GOOD DEED WILL BE PUNSIHED! So creating enemies with such a message is evitable.
YES! YES! and YES! to the fundamental principles that govern Network Marketing!
This is the reason I will gladly share this even with people who do not know me as a NETWORK MARKETER!
Bravo, Randy. This is the best, most courageous article I’ve read in the industry in a very long time.
I’m not even sure where to begin…when I heard of XYZ acquiring ABC, I felt a little confused and couldn’t explain the reason. The whole thing feels weird. ABC is broke largely because of the residue left over from its deal culture. XYZ is in full swing and they’re basically profiteering with the fruits of their unethical (and illegal, in my opinion) methods.
Can I please re-post your article on my site? I’d like to post it in full. I’ll link back here. I’ll post it as-is, no commentary.
Yes you can post with or without your commentary, as long as it is clear the commentary is yours, and you link back to the original. Thanks for getting the word out on this. -RG
Thank you Randy for this warning message.
I decided just at the end of 2014 that I have to give up the junkie culture and focus.
Network marketing is anything except a get-rich-quick scheme. Junkies like to tap into the human need for quick fixes and end up being their own victims.
Hi Randy,
I am quite sure that you are going to ruffle a lot of feathers. I have to agree it’s the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. IMHO you have just scratched the surface. Your newsletters and Blogs are interesting reads!
Randy, I’ve been an admirer of yours for some time. Been in this Profession for over 40 years. Enjoyed some great successes and heartwrenching failures. I know WAAAYYY tooo much about what REALLY happens in our Profession and very happy that you “Told it like it is!” Sadly, the average newbie is still “starry eyed” at the Planes, Cars, Yachts, etc. and is too often given the impression that Network Marketing iseasy. Yes, I’ve made very big money more than a few times, but my most treasured thoughts, current and past, are the relationships and sponsoring someone who couldn’t lead in silent prayer receive a commission check for $22,000 dollars! Those moments are truly priceless! Thanks again and yes I will re-post!
bigger picture. I appreciate this post. The more, especially newbies, who really understand what this post it talking about, the more heartache can be avoided.
I agree with this attitude completely.
I appreciate your values in your character! It gives us the way, the direction and the stability!
thank u so much randy with the insight iwould love to ask u am involved with acompany where all the people above me dont have astep-by-step system to follow and these peopel can’t come down and work with my people so most of had built agood decent income at first but most of their groups have left randy is there any way how ican save ma group from this
Rodik, it is your business and you have to take responsibility for it. I suggest you immediately enroll in my leadership academy and that way the system will start with you. You can find the details here: http://www.gagevt.com/
I’m not a little ashamed of myself. The great Randy Gage is sitting with a prospect, watching a presentation video… We have to get back to the basics. Thanks for sharing this, Sense!
Generally, I agree with everything you’ve said, Randy.
I do think, though, that there is a growing segment of people who are not “junkies”, but “lifestylers”. I’m a distributor, at the moment, for 8 different companies, and 4 of them are in the nutritional space. It’s not that I’m a junkie and can’t commit — it’s that I prefer Product X from Company A, Product Y from Company B, and Product Z from Company C. And I think I should be as free to do that with MLM as with HEB.
I fully recognize that I’m never going to build a big, successful team with that, but I think I should be able to earn some money for referring my friends, and Company A shouldn’t have any say-so over the fact that I occasionally earn some money by referring people to Company B.
I think companies are going to have to figure out how to work with people like me better in the future — happy customers who get a small referral commission. No exclusivity, no enrollment fees, no back office fees, no wallet fees. I think that will also help greatly with the issue regulators are having with direct selling right now.
Yes I agree. Smart companies shouldn’t be threatened by people basically retailing as an affiliate. -RG
аrticle from one more supply
Hi Randy , I’m César de Guatemala , I am happy to greet you , really admire your work and the person you have become .
Tienes un método de aprendizaje por medio de internet como una academia o escuela en donde pueda inscribirme con tigo para aprender de la profesión en Español?
Mi correo es ccardonas_19@hotmail.com
I have a leadership academy, but it is only in English so far. -RG
You have a learning method through internet as an academy or school where you can enroll with you to learn the profession in Spanish ?
Thank You.
My email is ccardonas_19@hotmail.com
here is the link: http://www.gagevt.com/
Wow, “The smoke and mirrors have all played out. Now all they’re buying is the wisps of leftover smoke and the shards of broken mirrors.”
That is the best quote I have heard in years…. Randy, I still admire you… What a GREAT article and 100% true.
I often wonder if the junkies realize that their habit effects how others see them. I have no desire to work with a junkie who is only in it for them. I just don’t trust them. They have no creditability. These are not the people who heed Zig ZIglar’s advice, “Help enough people get what they want, and you’ll get what you want.”. They march through a company like a swarm of locust and leave a path of destruction in their wake. They burn a lot of good associates in the process. It’s really sad.
My guess ABC is Monavie and XYZ is Jeunesse (based on the timing as BusinessforHome announce this news on March 16th), both have a history of financial deals to attract top leaders in the industry who jump from company to company. Glad this information is coming out. I hope the average distributor wakes up to what is happening.
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