How Big is Your Dream?
Nothing may be more important to Network Marketing success than your dream. Prosperity is created in the mind first…
You see your objective, it gets programmed into your subconscious mind, and then you manifest it on the physical plain.
So how big is your dream?
If your dream is so audacious it isn’t believable to you, your subconscious mind won’t buy in. But if it’s too small, it doesn’t create the excitement and emotion necessary to pull you toward it.
My advice: Err on the side of big. You want a “stretch” dream. It should be big enough that you can’t accomplish it at the level of skill and consciousness you’re at right now.
Make it large enough that it will force you to grow. That’s where the real breakthroughs live. And where you want to live.
N’est pas?
Great insights Randy.
Our dreams are what helps us grow not only as network marketers but also as the people we can become.
There’s an old saying ‘Build your dreams or someone will hire you to build theirs’
C’est BIEN”!
My dreamboard is my background on my iMac! They are big goals!
Thank you. Mine is huge!!!!!!!
This is one the most motivate post Randy!!! I can say that it’s TRUE!!!
Like the oak in the acorn!!! We need much time to grow…
Have a nice day.
Hey Randy,
We can dream about anything,all the big deeds created first by big dreams.
“1. Nurture your mind with Great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think” — Benjamin Disraeli
Yes, our dreams are our pathway to success. It keeps us on the go to reach the goals we have set for ourselves. It keeps us alive and vibrant. Great post