Burn Baby, Burn!

“We didn’t start the fire…”  Remember that song from Billy Joel?  There’s a powerful lesson there for network marketers.  

A big part of creating growth is getting down in depth in your organization, and using the “tap root” strategy to build a fire under the people above.  And most times this involves working with a spark you didn’t start.

The key is each month, get into your back office and study your structure.  Look for a spark or small fire, then go pour gasoline on it!

You do that by getting into the living rooms and media rooms, helping new people on your team start their business.  That may mean driving three hours on a weeknight or getting on an airplane on the weekend.  But it means you go down in the group and become their partner for success.

So how you doing on that?


14 thoughts on “Burn Baby, Burn!

  1. Yes Randy , great lesson as usual!
    I am looking after small sparks ….my believe will make them big fires.
    Thanks again

  2. Hey Randy Gage.

    small spark can be great fire when you know when and where to ” pour the gasoline”. Where there’s a will there’s a way.
    A leader like you,who realy wants to lead his group for creating growth ,become their partner for success.
    Thank you for sharing your useful tips.

    1. David,

      sounds like that could be more of a culture issue for your team or they’ve run out of their warm market list & haven’t figured out how to prospect in the cold market.

      Do you have a system to teach your team how to generate leads online?

      You’re welcome to check out our system.

  3. Thank You mr.Randy G.Vie ste prekrasen,s bogat opit i reshenie za vsichko. Vashite ukazania mi pomagat ,sasto i mnogoto komentari .Za sega otdeliam malko vreme za distributorskata deinost ,no viarvam che i pri men ste se poluchi,da pechelia dobre ,za da mi stane osnovna deinost. S mnogo uvajenie..

  4. I saw in lesson 6 that you listen to subliminal programming CDS, can you recommend a place to buy and which ones. Love all of your info!!

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