The REAL Reason…

Ok we’ve been talking about why things don’t work for people that seem to be following a system that works well for others.  And this is the part people don’t like to acknowledge, but unfortunately is true.   

It is about them.  And the person they are.

I know, because I was one of them for five years.  I tried program after program, system after system and none of them worked for me.  Now it is true I didn’t quit get the concept of system in the early years, and often was in companies that didn’t have one.  But if I were really honest with myself, I’d have to admit that a system wouldn’t have mattered for me.

I was such a negative person, and brought such a lack of character to the business that quite simply I was the kind of person no one wanted to work with.

I got into the business for three reasons:
1)    To make money
2)    To make money
3)    To make money

And I saw every prospect and team member as a tool to make me money.  In addition I had low self-esteem, expected the worst possible thing to always happen, and projected all of my negative expectations on everyone around me.

So what changed?

I got exposed to self-development books, tapes and seminars.  Which I had never even known existed before network marketing.  And as my consciousness grew, so did my team.

Now this is a very delicate issue…

Because if you counsel someone that the real issue is them —  or if you come to the self-realization that the real issue is you – it’s easy to quit.  This is not the kind of news any of us wants to hear.

But this news can be the catalyst to the biggest breakthroughs ever.  Not just for your business, but your health, relationships and every part of your life.

So if things aren’t working for you, please do some critical thinking on whether you are the reason.  And if so, don’t get mad and quit.  Get mad and commit to doing something about it.  Which is where we’ll pick up next post…


30 thoughts on “The REAL Reason…

  1. I agree with you Randy. I’ve been there as well and I’m just starting to pull myself out of the wrong kind of thinking. Thanks to you, Jim Rohn, my Paster, our new MLM Company and my Wife.

  2. Remember your comment “they must be brain dead morons” or some thing like that.Well I think that’s all I meet.Must be me.Self-development has helped I must be doing something right ,people I know see the change.But this is as expensive a process as college was. Haven’t quite,just wish some money would come my way soon! I’ve been told let the tool talk guess I need to work on that to ,seems my mouth is a lot bigger than any cd,book,webinar etc.Heard a good one “God gave you two ears and a mouth”,you know that one? I think it must be me One big mouth and two small ears.They keep telling me it’s not about you (me).Bullshit why do I spend the time and money if it’s not for me?

  3. I agree 100%.

    Funny, I had the same experience with self development materials. I can’t say that I never knew they existed before network marketing – but I certainly didn’t think I needed anything they have to offer! After all, I felt I was doing just fine in my 47 years and didn’t think they could teach me anything I hadn’t already learned. Wow, what an attitude I had . . . now I can laugh.

    I absolutely love self development and can’t get enough of it! And learn? I can’t believe all that I have learned. In fact Randy, your Dynamic Development series was the first self development materials I was exposed to and I benefited so much it totally convinced me that I did need these materials. That I DID have a lot of improving to do. I now constantly work on becoming a better person.

    Dorene Pierceall

  4. I TOTALLY agree! My first few years in NWM were rough; I made a futile attempt to understand the company(ies), products, business in general. It wasn’t until I started feeding my mind, thru books, CD’s, DVD’s to build me personally & business-wise, that I finally “got it” (btw, your ‘How to Build a Multi-Level Machine’ is a MUST READ in my opinion). And you are right – only the person themselves is responsible for if they fail or succeed! Great post!


    1. Thanks Gina, you convinced me to get that book (how to build a multi-level Machine) and read it. I believe in Network marketing but I just discovered it 10 months ago, and yes, things didn’t take off like I thought they would. But I believe they will if I keep my passion alive and continue on my journey to personnal development!


  5. i agree with you absolutely. everyone who wants to suucced ,
    in life and business, learn and experience with self developmen.

    Lea Sedan

  6. This is a very valid and often overlooked point. The single best way to, in my opinion to create long-term wealth is by being as helpful as possible. I am a firm believer that everything in life comes back around. Give to others, don’t sell them.

    Provide assistance, provide a solution to their “problems” or paths to their “goals” and you will inevitably be successful.

    Great point and well said Randy!

  7. I agree with you, but this is still a SYSTEMS issue because if you have a good system, personal development should be a part of that system. I know it’s in the 10 things that your company teaches and I know it’s in the 10 things my company teaches as well.

    For the people who are not having success, here is why I believe they are not having success based upon my own experiences, the experiences of others that I have seen and worked with and the experiences of those that I have seen that have created massive success in this industry.

    90% – Not following the system
    9% – Following the system but have the wrong expectations. (i.e. the two points you brought up in the last post, like not understanding that it takes 3 years to build a stable income and 5 years to financial freedom as well as not understanding that it takes money to build a solid business)
    1% – Skill set. You can follow the system but it still takes certain skills to be able to implement the system successfully. For instance, if your system calls for you to expose a certain number of prospects daily, but you don’t have the skill set of effective prospecting, you either won’t be able to hit that number or you will hit it, but your success ratio will be lower than average because of your low skill set.

    1. Hi RC,
      Is the person fits into anyone of these (90, 9 or 1%) then their consciousness isn’t at the right place for them to succeed. That is what Randy is saying. They need to raise their consciousness (via self development) and everything changes.

  8. I also agree. I know it is me, holding me back of real success. I am working at it though. Learning about me and learning about other people’s replies. Doing a lot of self improvement, reading a lot, too.
    So I expect 2010 will be a much better year for me, business-wise.

    Hope you all have a wonderful, successful and happy, healthy 2010!
    Take care.

    1. Hi Stella!
      I just wanted to say well done for being honest with your self! Learning about how people react to what we have to offer is an ongoing business, there are a lot of people out there!
      What helped me a lot was reading a few very simple books about body language. They taught me a whole lot about me and why others react in the way they do. You do not need to be an expert just a simple understanding can help to make you a more effective communicator.
      Have a great Christmas!


  9. Randy,

    When you come to the realization that you and only you are responsible for everything in your life … it does not change any of the circumstances or the messes you have made. It can put you into action, like getting on a bicycle not knowing how to ride, knowing finally you have to do what you have to do to get how to ride …. and until you discover balance… you do not know how to ride. What keeps you on the bike? What has you not quit?

    I am looking forward to your next post!


  10. Hi Randy-san!

    I like this blog so much. The curious thing is that the people who need to look in the mirror the most don’t really see their own reflection in the mirror anyway – those who need to “get” this blog are those who aren’t reading it, or are reading it but don’t know it’s them you are talking about.

    What makes me wonder is that some people seem to be spending hours in seminars, listen to all the CDs, watching all the DVDs, and reading lots of books, can even recite Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Napoleon Hill, and even have people who listen to them teach these concepts. But the only mystery to me is that what they say and what they do don’t seem to match! Why is that?

    They seem to have all the know-how in their head but the core fundamentals of actually doing the business (network marketing) is missing… their results aren’t showing… isn’t this what you always say that “numbers don’t lie”? Perhaps self-development can be a procrastination to take action. Can these people be helped and if so, how would you help them?

  11. -RG,

    As you’ve said in the past “look who is at the scene of the crime each time”.
    Now study their or your modus operandi.
    Make the changes that will improve your life.

    Great line “don’t get mad and quit. Get mad and commit” I’m stealing it.


  12. Self development is the key to anything that you do. We are our worst enemies when it comes to being positive. We beat ourselves. Learning to have a positive attitude towards things will make the transition to a better life and understanding of what you want to accomplish.

  13. Lou,

    Although I am sure you enjoy this site for the right reasons you would have noticed that we all keep from promoting our own business. Let’s keep this site generic and learn from one another and keep all links absent this very useful meeting place.

    Sure you understand.


    1. Russel – perhaps you didn’t notice that it was generic training advice that perfectly fit the generic advice that Randy is offering in this post and that I think is so important.

      I thought many would benefit from the “Network Marketing Effectiveness” formula. It is free, and it does not promote any company or business. The link made it easy to find . . . but I suppose any who are interested can simply search for it at my site.

      I would not post a link to my own “business.”

  14. A good life is a matter of choice we all will make each day, But Culture is action we take to develope each day of life to deposit a better furture. But here’s a great one, if we can coach others to achieve it with us, now there’s a great joy and a life to live.

  15. Great information if you are trying to understand the business.
    If you have not prepared your mind for rejection, you will get discouraged fast.
    You must aquire personal development information so you can get through the ups and downs of this profession.
    Thanks Randy for your wisdom.

  16. You have said what makes a business happen: ATTITUDE. Live and work at a positive level and people will be drawn to you. If you can smile and brush off the biggest setbacks you’ll encounter, you’ll stand head and shoulders above the crowd. Remember those life-changing words from Earl Nightingale: “Successful people do what unsuccessful people don’t like to do.


  17. Thanks Randy.

    Yes, if you can´t move yourself in the right direction and be willing to learn, then you can´t exspect anyone else to move either. You have to build up the right mind set to be able to do this. And it has to begin with your self.

    Sten Robert Netteberg

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