Don’t Have Time Objections

Another objection people mentioned getting a lot is that their prospects say they don’t have enough time to do the business.  I actually heard this about an hour ago when I was helping one of my leaders on a 3-way call.

So how do you deal with this?

Well like almost all of our objections, it’s better is you deal with it up front in the presentation itself.  Here’s my “secret” wording that I used for a lot of years with success:

“When I first looked at this, I thought I was too busy.  Then I realized something:  I was busy being broke.  And if I wanted to stop being broke, I would have to MAKE time for this business.”  People really got it.

This time around, I couldn’t say that, because I was quite wealthy already when I got involved again.  So now I explain that I was earning a lot of money, but I had to work hard every day to earn it.  I wanted to create a residual income stream, and I wanted PASSIVE income.  It’s the truth, so of course it works great.

Now here’s the only other thing I would tell you on this…

Don’t downplay the time to get an enrollment.  When the prospect raised the issue on my call today, what I told him is that to be successful in the business, it will be necessary to spend 10 to 15 hours a week.  And if he couldn’t do at least ten hours, it would be better if he didn’t get involved.  But if he would sacrifice and find the ten hours somewhere, he could create a cash flow machine.  He resonated with that, as I think most prospects do.

I think this is much better than trying to minimize the time involved.  Tell the truth and prospects will always respect you more.

Just a reminder:  In the top right corner, there is a blue box to sign up for updates.  Then you’ll get a message whenever I make a new post on the blog.  I have a REALLY fun idea for the next post.  Watch this space.

Have a great weekend!


9 thoughts on “Don’t Have Time Objections

  1. Randy ~

    I am looking forward to Tuesday’s tele-seminar.

    Can you please address the issue of cold-calling paralysis either in your blog or in a future training?

    In a recent tele-seminar, you took a stand on the concept of leading w the product, which is the opposite of the strategy poised by most companies. I applaud you. The training that night resonated w me.

    The product I market is designed primarily for small businesses . . . and presents best in-person . . . yet, sometimes the ’stage fright’ of initially approaching these business owners can be debilitating.

    I know it’s a numbers game, and this is all part of the process, but, would you be willing to share your thoughts?

    Knock it out of the park tomorrow!

  2. Just received your “Oops!” e-mail, so now I am responding w an “Oops!” of my own.

    In the tele-seminar I referenced earlier, I believe the point you were making was that our potential recruits should be a ‘product of the product,’ not that we necessarily are better off leading w the product.

    I apologize for the poor phrasing in my initial post.

  3. Next Sunday, March 8, is International Women’s Day. Now, I have thought of doing something fun and decided to have a fun filled day for women in my community, and it’s going to be free. We are starting with a session on general health issues and then women’s health issues. We have a pamper session (facial, bra fittings, women’s fun stuff you know), but I decided to give it a twist. In the evening I will have a information session on network marketing – the real way it should work and the real way it should be thought (a little bit like Instead of overcoming the objections, I’m putting all the cards on the table. And to relaxe them all after the session (now maybe that’s not a good idea because I should keep them excited) we are having a relaxation session to finish the day beautifully.
    Just wanted to talk about my fun filled day.

  4. I need to look at the “I’m getting the money together” reply. I have agreed to bringing people in with the personal pack. There is still holding back, how to I address that?

  5. Randy,

    Thanks for sharing these objections. It’s been said that people can either make excuses or money but they can’t make them both. Everyone has the same amount of time in a day and ultimately what it boils down to is priority.

    When people say they want a better quality of life, and time and financial freedom, it won’t fall in their lap but it is achievable. It simply requires focus, persistence, and perseverance.

  6. Look at time objections this way.
    “I just haven’t got it” you say.
    Well, if you can show me the times you’ve failed,
    I can predictably tell you how you can make time for success
    — Arthur Tugman

  7. San Juan de Pasto, March 1st of 2009

    Very interessting and powerfull indeed. Thank’s Randy to share this updated information with us. The tips you give us will for sure increase the efficiency of our way of doing the business. Although I didn’t leave much comments till now, you can be sure that I follow all your messages. I even translate them in French for my registered people in France.
    Looking forward for what’s comming up.
    Send you my best greetings and wish you a nice day.
    Ralf-U. KREBS

  8. What if your BOSS asked you to stay at work overtime and offered you an extra $100-200 an hour for that extra work? Wouldn’t you do it in a heartbeat? YES!!! That same $100-200 an hour can be made conducting your own business making YOU rich instead of making your BOSS richer! Does this make sense? Will you make the time now? You CAN do it!

  9. The time objection came when I prospected my friend.
    ME “How many hours you work to get your monthly salary?
    HE “I work 12hrs /day to earn Rs10000/per month.”
    ME “What amount of time you work for a day,is enough to work for a week in this opportunity to earn Rs50000/per month.Hope
    you can find time.”
    HE “I am only 20 yrs old.I HAVE TIME.”

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