Recruiting Study Points
The webinar last night went great. Glad to have so many of you on it. Here are the key study points to work on: Continue reading “Recruiting Study Points”
The Myths of Recruiting
One of the biggest mistakes people make in recruiting is looking for “heavy hitters.” Another one is thinking they will sponsor MLM leaders. More likely, you will grow them from within. Continue reading “The Myths of Recruiting”
More on Why Prospects Join
In the last post, we talked about the belief your prospect has in you. If we want to go a little deeper, it is actually a belief in what you can help them accomplish… Continue reading “More on Why Prospects Join”
Why Prospects Say ‘Yes’
Let’s be very clear on something. Prospects don’t join your business because of that magic ingredient in your product, or because you pay an extra percent on the 7th generation of the infinity bonus… Continue reading “Why Prospects Say ‘Yes’”
Stop Throwing Up on People!
You know in my new album, I included a disc on using social media marketing to expand your warm market. I originally presented the segment as a Tele-Seminar. Obviously the message is not getting out… Continue reading “Stop Throwing Up on People!”
Getting Traction in the Marketplace
A while back I started telling people that a big part of our message needed to be “safe is the new risky.” And it has really had some traction. Continue reading “Getting Traction in the Marketplace”
Be the First to Get It!
I was excited to find out this weekend that my new album, “Secrets of Network Marketing Success, Volume One” is in production and will be shipping within ten days. This resource is smoking hot and can definitely help you racket up your bonus check in a big way. Continue reading “Be the First to Get It!”
Secrets of Influential Leaders
New Tele-Seminar Scheduled. Hey guys, we’ve locked down the next Tele-Seminar and it’s going to be a hot one… Continue reading “Secrets of Influential Leaders”
The MLM Revolution
On January 1st, I released “The MLM Revolution,” a manifesto of what I believe we need to do in network marketing. It was a call for all of us to step up and enter the greatness we can do with this great profession.
Continue reading “The MLM Revolution”
Am I Coming to Your Town?
Hi guys,
If you haven’t seen it, be sure and watch my generic presentation “Check Out the Biz.” A lot of people use it to screen out tourists and attract serious people into the business. But what I’d really love to do is to update it for the new economy…
Continue reading “Am I Coming to Your Town?”
Where Duplication Lives…
The sixth and final component necessary for strong duplication is your training event structure. This is usually a combination of field-sponsored and company-provided events, such as the annual convention. I believe that the field needs a major event each quarter to keep them inspired, focused, and properly trained. I covered this in much more detail in the recent Tele-Seminar we did on training.
Continue reading “Where Duplication Lives…”
Standardized “Fast Start” Training
Our fifth component for creating duplication is a standardized “fast start” training that all new team members go through right after joining. There may be nothing more important for retention than this step.
Continue reading “Standardized “Fast Start” Training”
Using a “Ladder” to Build Faster
Like our earlier components for duplication, the fourth one is designed to get you the best results on many levels down through your team. I have dubbed this series of interactions we take a prospect through a “Ladder of Escalation.” I created this name because at each step of the process you want to escalate the exposure to the prospect, making it a bigger deal than it was in the previous step.
Continue reading “Using a “Ladder” to Build Faster”
What to Cover in Your Presentations
In the last post we discussed a standardized presentation as one of the components of duplication. I believe there are five critical areas that need to be addressed in every presentation. They are:
Continue reading “What to Cover in Your Presentations”
Standardized Presentations
The third component to create the best duplication is a standardized presentation. This is the presentation that is done at the major opportunity meetings. You want it to be the same in all markets and on all levels.
Continue reading “Standardized Presentations”